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Cambridge, Massachusetts

Mount Auburn Cemetery

This peaceful Massachusetts graveyard was one of the first "garden-style" cemeteries in America.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Old Burial Ground

This cemetery served as the only official burial grounds in Cambridge for nearly 200 years.
Newton, Massachusetts

Star Market

This supermarket is suspended 25 feet above an interstate highway.
Brookline, Massachusetts

Last Known Whereabouts of Barbara Newhall Follett

The 1920s child prodigy author was last seen here at her Brookline home before vanishing at age 25.
Boston, Massachusetts

Chow Manderien's Grave

The final resting place of the first documented Chinese person in the United States lies in a Boston cemetery.
Boston, Massachusetts

Statue of Mary Dyer

Dedicated to a colonial woman who was hanged for being a Quaker.
Boston, Massachusetts

George Parkman House

The former home of a Boston physician whose murder led to a revolution in forensic science.
Boston, Massachusetts

'Frogs in Common'

Created by a local artist, these quirky sculptures each have their own names and personalities.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Earl of Sandwich

A men’s restroom became a sandwich shop.
Boston, Massachusetts

Ether Monument

Statue commemorating the use of ether in anesthesia.
Boston, Massachusetts

Leonard A. Grimes Residence

The Boston home of a conductor on the Underground Railroad.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

The Trophy Room Project

An anonymous art project beneath Longfellow Bridge where hundreds of trophies line the steel support beams.
Boston, Massachusetts

Harvard Bridge Houdini Plaque

Harry Houdini plunged into the Charles River and performed one of his escape acts here in 1908.
Boston, Massachusetts

Lewis and Harriet Hayden House

Former home of an abolitionist couple who escaped slavery and established the most active Underground Railroad stop in Boston.
Boston, Massachusetts

Berkeley Weather Beacon

A beacon atop a downtown building provides Bostonians with weather forecasts and baseball news.
Boston, Massachusetts

Charles River Esplanade Pi Plaque

Dedicated to the neverending mathematical constant, this plaque next to a park bench was sponsored by an anonymous benefactor.
Boston, Massachusetts

Harvard Bridge Smoot Measurements

In 1958, an MIT fraternity pledge laid down on this bridge and instituted a new, unique unit of measurement.
Boston, Massachusetts

Central Burying Ground

American revolutionaries and British soldiers alike are buried here in the fourth-ever cemetery in Boston.
Boston, Massachusetts

First Spiritualist Temple

America's original house of worship for Spiritualism, the religious movement based on communing with the dead.
Boston, Massachusetts

Steinert Hall

The former locus of Boston's high culture has been shuttered and buried for over 70 years.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Great Spring

A tiny plaque marks the location of the water source that facilitated the birth of modern-day Boston.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Irish Famine Memorial

Dedicated to one of the darkest moments in Irish history.
Boston, Massachusetts

Democratic Donkey and Republican Footprints

This statue intended for children to enjoy became a minor political spat.
Boston, Massachusetts

King's Chapel Crypt

A more than 260-year-old crypt built on Boston's oldest English burial ground.