Petals78's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dubova, Romania

Decebal's Head

A giant portrait of an ancient king looms over the river.
Boljetin, Serbia

Lepenski Vir

Stone age urban planning.
Golubac, Serbia

Golubac Fortress

This 14th century castle withstood years of battle but is now sliding off the hills into the Danube.
Kostolac, Serbia


At this archaeological site, visitors can explore the ruins of the capital of the former Roman province of Moesia.
Belgrade, Serbia


One of Belgrade's most beloved animals.
Belgrade, Serbia

Ružica Church

A Serbian church lit by chandeliers made of weapons.
Belgrade, Serbia

'Roman Well' of the Belgrade Fortress

A misnamed well, with a deep dark past.
Belgrade, Serbia

Pobednik (The Victor) Monument

A towering spire in the fortress of Kalemegdan honors the victorious armies of Serbia during their struggles against the Ottoman Empire.
Belgrade, Serbia

Embassy of France in Belgrade

Arguably Belgrade's only example of pure Art Deco architecture.
Belgrade, Serbia

Znak Pitanja (?)

Belgrade’s oldest restaurant has a rather unusual name.
Belgrade, Serbia

Belgrade Milestone

This small bronze pyramid marks the center of Belgrade, but some say it is a Masonic symbol.
Belgrade, Serbia

Igrali Se Konji Vrani (Black Horses at Play)

The unusual sculptures are believed to be powerful political symbols.
Belgrade, Serbia

We Were Just Children

Memorial to the 89 children killed during the NATO bombing of Serbia.
Belgrade, Serbia

Raša Popov Monument

This statue of the famed author, actor, and journalist is made entirely of screw-nuts.
Belgrade, Serbia

Ruins of Yugoslav Army Headquarters

Destroyed Serbian army headquarters sits half crumbled in a largely revitalized Belgrade.
Belgrade, Serbia

Ada Stonehenge

This art installation pays homage to the famed stones of European lore.
Beli Potok, Serbia

Monument to the Unknown Hero

Near Belgrade, an ancient-looking sarcophagus serves as a World War I monument.
Belgrade, Serbia

Museum of Yugoslavia

A museum dedicated to the former country.