Phantascope's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Boston, Massachusetts

Franklin Park's Overlook Shelter Ruins

The often-overlooked ruins of one of the first buildings designed by famous landscape architect Frederick Olmsted.
Washington, D.C.

Lincoln Memorial Undercroft

A cavernous three-story, 43,800-square-foot basement that was forgotten about for 60 years.
Washington, D.C.

D.C. War Memorial

An overlooked memorial honoring the local Washington residents who died in World War I.

Shackleton's Antarctic Hut

Nimrod Polar Expedition base, and home to hundred-year-old frozen whisky.

Antarctic Exploration Museum & Post Office

The best place to send your postcards home from Antarctica.
Campillo de Dueñas, Spain

Castillo de Zafra

This awesome Spanish castle is so fantastical it was actually used on Game of Thrones.
Alicante, Spain


A well-restored ancient archaeology site gives a real feel for life during the Roman age.
Sigiriya, Sri Lanka


An ancient stone fortress considered by many to be the eighth wonder of the world.
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Italy

Mithraeum at Santa Maria Capua Vetere

The underground sanctuary of a mysterious ancient Roman religious cult contains an exquisite traditional fresco.
Capriate San Gervasio, Italy

Crespi d’Adda Cemetery

A massive mausoleum towers over the gravestones in a 19th-century Italian "model village."
Tallinn, Estonia

Ichthus Art Gallery

A secluded art gallery hidden within the cellars beneath Tallinn’s medieval monastery.
Dedham, Massachusetts

Fairbanks House

The oldest surviving wood-frame building in North America is still in the family.
Lee, Massachusetts


Stay at this storybook estate, featuring Sir Henry Hudson Kitson's masterpiece "Gingerbread House."
Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Goldie 1971 - The Fallen Robot

A rusted metal giant pays tribute to Birmingham’s industrial past.
Sintra, Portugal

Castelo dos Mouros (Castle of the Moors)

An ancient and majestic fortress that played an integral role in Portugal's road to independence.
Almeida, Portugal

Fortress of Almeida

The medieval town's star-shaped walls are geometrically dazzling, though not entirely impenetrable.
Xianyang, China

Chinese Pyramids of Xian

Enormous burial mounds of ancient emperors.
Hangzhou, China

Shi Cheng

China's very own Atlantis is an ornate dynastic city resting at the bottom of a lake.
Beijing, China

Ming Dynasty Tombs

Ming Dynasty necropolis raided during the Cultural Revolution.
Datong, China

Hanging Temple of Hengshan

A fifth-century temple improbably built into the side of a cliff.
Chongqing, China

Three Natural Bridges

Not one, not two, but three natural bridges remain in this captivating spot post-sinkhole.
Beijing, China

The Forbidden City

The most famous location in China was home to whole dynasties worth of imperial rulers.
Leipzig, Germany

Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the Battle of the Nations)

This incredible stone temple is a monument to death, victory, and fantasy architecture.
Manětín, Czechia

Kostel Svatého Jiří Ghost Church

Thirty creepy ghosts now inhabit this decaying 14th-century church.