philognosis80's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Rabat, Malta
Places added to Concord, Massachusetts
Places visited in Dandarah, Egypt
Places visited in Winthrop, Massachusetts
Places visited in Massachusetts
Places visited in Hudson, Massachusetts
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Krakow, Poland

Rynek Underground

Beneath Kraków Old Town's main square lies a hologram-filled medieval market vampire graveyard wonderland.
Prague, Czechia

Hlava Franze Kafky (Franz Kafka's Head)

A bust of Franz Kafka spins in pieces, reflecting the writer's inner torment.
Prague, Czechia

Tančící dům - Dancing House of Prague

This tipsy office building in downtown Prague was originally called “Fred and Ginger.”
Budapest, Hungary

The Hungarian Geological Institute Building

This hidden art nouveau gem was designed by an architect in search of a national style.
Budapest, Hungary

Béla Lugosi Bust at Vajdahunyad Castle

Late at night, the bust of the "Dracula" actor was snuck onto the facade of this Budapest castle.
Concord, Massachusetts

Paul Revere Lantern

One of two lighted lanterns hung in the church belfry on the eve of the Revolutionary War to warn that the British were on their way.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Waag

Amsterdam's former hotspot for public executions and dissections.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

City Hall Urinal

A public urinal so pretty, it was declared a national monument.
Boston, Massachusetts

Calf Pasture Pumping Station

This beautiful architectural gem was the first waste treatment facility in Boston.
Boston, Massachusetts

Potato Shed Memorial

Sacks of potatoes, made of cast stone, mark where the iconic potato sheds once stood along the river.
Boston, Massachusetts

Caffe Vittoria

The oldest Italian café in Boston, this spot also serves as a veritable museum of vintage coffee ephemera.
Worcester, Massachusetts

American Antiquarian Society

This little-known rival to the Library of Congress houses one of the largest collections of pre-1876 American books, newspapers, and manuscripts.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard Lampoon Building

The headquarters of one of the world’s longest-running humor magazines bears a noticeable resemblance to a head wearing a Prussian helmet.
New Castle, New Hampshire

Wentworth by the Sea

The once-abandoned 140-year-old hotel used in the movie "In Dreams."
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Isle of Shoals Humpbacks

One of 100 “Whaling Wall" murals painted in 13 different countries by a renowned marine life artist.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

U.S.S. Albacore

Once the future of underwater combat, this old sub is now open for visitors to muck around in.
Boston, Massachusetts

World's Largest Air-Insulated Van de Graaff Generator

The massive machine creates cracking displays of indoor lightning.
Boston, Massachusetts

Brattle Book Shop

One of the oldest used bookstores in the U.S. has been selling antiquarian treasures since 1825.
Prague, Czechia

Defenestration of Prague Window

The palace window through which Protestant nobles flung two Catholic regents, thus sparking the Thirty Years' War.
Washington, D.C.

Willard Hotel

Legend has it that President Grant’s frequent drinking in the lobby gave rise to the term “lobbyist.”
Washington, D.C.

Washington Monument Marble Stripe

Look closely and you’ll notice that the color changes a third of the way up the tower.
Washington, D.C.

D.C. War Memorial

An overlooked memorial honoring the local Washington residents who died in World War I.
Arlington, Virginia

Headstone-Eating Trees

The rogue roots are gradually consuming some of the historic marble grave markers.
Washington, D.C.

Albert Einstein Bronze Statue

The beloved statue at the National Academy of Sciences is oh so inviting to sit on.