pontop's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Gudhjem, Denmark
Places added to Odense, Denmark
Places visited in Skagen, Denmark
Places visited in La Rochelle, France
Places visited in Randers, Denmark
Places edited in Odense, Denmark
Places visited in Odense, Denmark
Places visited in Roskilde, Denmark
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Helsinki, Finland

Temppeliaukio Church

A subterranean house of worship carved right out of the bedrock.
Oslo, Norway

Holmenkollen Ski Jump

A stunning architectural yet functional feat, towering over Oslo.
Stavanger, Norway

Iddis: The Norwegian Printing and The Norwegian Canning Museum

A former factory now pays tribute to a local industry fueled by sardines.
Averøy, Norway

Atlantic Road

A serpentine highway twists and turns over the treacherous Norwegian Sea.
Odda, Norway


Walk 2,300 feet above the ground on the "Troll's Tongue."
Seville, Spain

Tomb of Christopher Columbus

The final resting place of the great navigator, or maybe his brother.
Seville, Spain

Hospital de los Venerables

This former charity hospital for elderly clergy houses some of Seville’s most treasured paintings.
Seville, Spain

Metropol Parasol

The world's largest wooden structure.
Randers, Denmark

Memphis Mansion

An Elvis superfan built Denmark's own version of Graceland.
Thyborøn, Denmark

Sneglehuset (The Snail House)

A Danish fisherman spent 25 years covering nearly every inch of his home with tens of thousands of shells as a gift to his wife.
Læsø, Denmark


This antique farmhouse is one of Læsø's rare seaweed houses.
Gudhjem, Denmark

Østerlars Church

The largest of Denmark's seven mysterious round churches stands on an island in the Baltic Sea.
Skørping, Denmark

Thingbæk Kalkminer

An old limestone mine transformed into a beautiful and unusual sculpture museum.
Hals, Denmark

Hals Whale Jaws

A small Denmark town displays a pair of titanic jaw bones as their community symbol.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Geodetic Midpoint of Denmark

Once a meeting point for great thinkers, and the midpoint of the country.
London, England

London Transport Museum

Its collection includes a broad array of social, geographic, graphic design, and political history.
London, England

London Transport Museum Depot

The majority of the museum's large collection is held in a storage space open to the public a few times a year.
London, England

Speakers' Corner

London's last remaining public soapbox site has seen speeches from Karl Marx, Vladmir Lenin, and George Orwell.
London, England

The Imperial War Museum London

This massive collection of British military artifacts includes the heartbreaking personal letters of the men in the trenches of WWI.
Mosta, Malta

Rotunda of Mosta

This spectacular dome managed to survive after being bombed in World War II, in an event known as the "Miracle of Mosta."
Valletta, Malta

St. John’s Co-Cathedral Skeleton Tombstones

The floor of this spectacular Baroque sanctuary is covered in memento mori.
Oslo, Norway

Fram Museum

Housing the famous Norwegian ice-defying 19th century polar exploration ship.
Oslo, Norway

Kon-Tiki Museum

Across the Pacific in a raft, a museum dedicated to Thor Heyerdahl's now legendary expedition.
Berlin, Germany

Moses Mendelssohn Memorial

The original burial place of this preeminent 18th-century Jewish philosopher was razed by the Nazis.