PSIanime's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Knoxville, Iowa

National Sprint Car Hall of Fame & Museum

The only museum in the world dedicated to the history of sprint car racing, next to one of the country's most historic dirt tracks.
Des Moines, Iowa

World Food Prize Hall of Laureates

The headquarters of the prestigious World Food Prize celebrates the heroes in the fight against hunger, has no cafeteria.
West Des Moines, Iowa

Huston Cemetery

A small burial plot formerly stranded in the middle of a road.
Mount Vernon, Iowa

American Gothic Barn

A hidden barn-sized rendition of Grant Wood's most famous, and most parodied, painting.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Growing Power

Complex aquaponics systems allow fish and plants to grow in harmony.
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

Mr. Marvel's Wondertorium

A museum of the dime museum that features weird entertainments of yesteryear, from feejee mermaids to flea circuses.
Washington, Wisconsin

Jacobsens Museum

Exhibits from an island in Lake Michigan are preserved in this hand-built cabin museum.
Milton, Wisconsin

Milton House Museum

The tunnel that runs beneath this former inn was once a hiding place for enslaved people seeking freedom.
Kansasville, Wisconsin

Richard Bong State Recreation Area

The Bong-area park police have asked visitors to please, stop stealing the signs.
Richland Center, Wisconsin

A.D. German Warehouse

The only Frank Lloyd Wright-designed structure in the architect's hometown.
Seymour, Wisconsin

Hamburger Charlie

A statue honors the genius who allegedly first took a meatball and made it into a hamburger.
Neillsville, Wisconsin

Chatty Belle

The world's largest talking cow would like to tell you about the benefits of 100% Wisconsin dairy products, if only she still could.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Renaissance Book Shop

A wonderfully curated used bookstore in an airport.
Racine, Wisconsin

The Golden Rondelle

The spaceship-like theater, which is still in use, was one of the most popular exhibits at the 1964 New York World's Fair.
Rhinelander, Wisconsin

The Hodag

The menacing creature had a tremendous influence on the local culture before being exposed as a hoax.
Green Bay, Wisconsin

Wequiock Falls

A lovely hidden waterfall right off the highway is well worth a stop.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

American Science & Surplus

Robots, lasers, and whoopee cushions, oh my!
Burfordville, Missouri

Bollinger Mill and Buford Covered Bridge

The only mill in the state that features a covered bridge.
Irondale, Missouri

Devil's Honeycomb

Some of the oldest exposed rock formations in the United States.
Eminence, Missouri

Alley Spring Mill

A historic, scenic mill that was forced to close due to overlogging.
Ellington, Missouri

Blue Spring

One of the deepest springs in Missouri.
Marshall, Missouri

Jim the Wonder Dog Memorial Garden

A small town garden is dedicated to a psychic dog with the most soulful eyes.
Independence, Missouri

Leila's Hair Museum

A museum celebrating the Victorian obsession with hair art.
Ironton, Missouri

Taum Sauk Mountain

In the St. Francois Mountains in the Ozarks at 1,772 feet above sea level, Taum Sauk Mountain is the highest (and possibly oldest) peak in Missouri.