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London, England

Dick Whittington’s Cat

A monument to the thrice mayor of London who according to lore made his fortune by selling his rat-chasing cat.
London, England

Yeoman Warders Club

There's an exclusive Beefeaters pub hidden in the Tower of London.
London, England

Traitors' Gate

The watery entrance for condemned prisoners heading to the Tower of London is still visible along the Thames.
London, England

The Executioner's Ax

Tucked away in the Tower of London is the weapon once used to execute high-profile prisoners.
London, England

Two Princes Staircase

Richard III supposedly disposed of his nephews' bodies here in an effort to seal his claim to the throne.
London, England

Beauchamp Tower

Graffiti from the 16th and 17th centuries cover the walls of this part of the Tower of London.
London, England

Billingsgate Roman House and Baths

A Roman spa buried deep beneath the City of London.
London, England

Platform 9 3/4

Kings Cross Station pays tribute to its role in Britain's best-selling book series.
London, England

Pollock's Toy Museum

A toy store with a century-long history preserves the craftsmanship of playthings of the past.
London, England

221b Baker Street

The popularity of Sherlock Holmes led to the creation of his fictional address, turning the orderly London street numbers askew.
London, England

Museum of Brands

Collection dedicated to brands, packaging and advertising.
London, England

Leinster Gardens False Facades

You'd never know the houses at 23-24 Leinster Gardens were fakes—until you see the train tracks on the other side.
London, England

Goodwin's Court

An easily overlooked stretch of ornate window fronts and gaslight lamps that could be right from the pages of Dickens.
London, England

Cecil Court

A charming 17th-century alley is lined with secondhand bookstores and antiquarian shops.
London, England

Epstein's Medical Sculptures

A series of carved figures that scandalized British society.
London, England

Charing Cross Storm Tree

A living memorial to the trees London lost during the Great Storm of 1987.
London, England

'The Ambassadors'

A mysterious shape catches the eye in this 16th-century painting.
London, England

The Sherlock Holmes Museum

This London pub hides a peculiar secret: a recreation of the rooms shared at 221b Baker Street by Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
London, England

Seven Noses of Soho

Several plaster noses are hidden in plain sight around London's Soho neighborhood.
London, England

Boadicea and Her Daughters

A statue of the legendary Celtic warrior queen who fought the Roman invaders stands in one of the cities she once destroyed.
London, England

Victoria & Albert Museum Dining Rooms

Revel in the Victorian splendor of the world's oldest eating establishment inside a museum.
London, England

Kensington Roof Gardens

This hidden rooftop garden in downtown London offers a quiet respite from a bustling city.
Oxford, England

Oxford Museum of Natural History

Home to the most complete dodo remains known - one head, and one foot.
Oxford, England

Pitt Rivers Museum

Ancient Egyptian wigs, South American feather headdresses, a bounty of anthropological artifacts in Oxford.