rdmertz29's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Paris, France

Museum of the History of Medicine

One of the oldest medical collections in Europe focusing on rare surgical instruments.
Paris, France

Musée des Arts Forains

A museum of carnival attractions where you are invited to ride the rides.
Paris, France

Musée National de la Marine

Museum on French naval history, with magnificent figureheads, a historic diving suit, and a boat used by Napoleon.
Paris, France

Musée des Arts et Métiers

France's national museum of scientific and industrial instruments.
Paris, France

Gallery of Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy

This museum houses an imposing skeleton army comprised of creatures great and small.
Paris, France

Musée de la Vie Romantique

Down a cobblestone alleyway is a museum dedicated to Romanticism, with a secret garden.
Paris, France

Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France)

This massive library holds what was once the largest book collection in the world.
Paris, France

House of Nicolas Flamel

The oldest stone house in Paris was built by its most famous alchemist.
Paris, France

59 Rivoli

Notorious artist squat renovated into legal studios.
Paris, France

Père Lachaise Cemetery

France's most famous cemetery, with some of its most curious tombs.
Paris, France

Museum of Vampires

The macabre collection of Jacques Sirgent, an expert scholar on the undead and all of their trappings.
Paris, France

Catacombes de Paris

The vast, legendary catacombs hold secrets much stranger than stacked bones.
Pisa, Italy

Museum of Human Anatomy

Anatomical cabinet holds unexpected treasures.
Siena, Italy

St. Catherine of Siena's Severed Head

A dismembered holy head stares out from her beautiful reliquary at the St. Dominic Basilica.
Florence, Italy

University of Florence Museum of Pathological Anatomy

This museum is rotten with a century of wax medical deformities.
Marmore, Italy

Cascata delle Marmore (Marmore Falls)

Romans built the world's tallest artificial waterfall in 271 BC.
Foligno, Italy

Calamita Cosmica

The giant skeleton sculpture is surprisingly well-traveled.
Rome, Italy

Saint Victoria's Incorruptible Body

The martyr's wax-enhanced skeletal remains lie preserved in a glass case in the Santa Maria della Vittoria in Rome.
La Maddalena, Italy

Spiaggia Rosa (Pink Beach)

Crushed coral and crystals give the sand its signature coloration.
Borgo Grotta Gigante, Italy

Grotta Gigante

One of the largest caves in the world open to the public.
Rome, Italy

Mamertine Prison

This ancient Roman prison is decorated with an upside-down cross not as blasphemy but as saintly tribute.
Vagli Sopra, Italy

Lago di Vagli

This Tuscan lake hides a 13th century town that is still visible when the water recedes.
Lainate, Italy

Ninfeo di Villa Litta

An ancient artistic garden parlor full of hidden water wonders.
Turin, Italy

Cesare Lombroso's Museum of Criminal Anthropology

The astonishing collection of an infamous criminologist.