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Places visited in Woodstock, New York
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Mexico City, Mexico

Museo del Objeto del Objeto

At a museum of everyday objects, it is the act of collecting that is really on display.
Mexico City, Mexico

Pyramids of Tlatelolco

These haunting ruins of a 700-year-old Prehispanic city have witnessed centuries of wars and massacres.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo del Juguete Antiguo México

Visiting this cacophonous collection of vintage novelties is like stepping into the mind of a crazed toymaker.
Mexico City, Mexico

Café La Habana

This old-school café is famous for serving coffee, chilaquiles, and the Cuban Revolution.
Mexico City, Mexico

Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo House Studio Museum

The famous artist couple lived and worked here, in two different houses separated by a bridge.
Mexico City, Mexico

Soumaya Museum

66,000 pieces of art, donated by one of the world's richest men.
Mexico City, Mexico

Cafebrería El Péndulo

Part bookstore, part café, and part forest.
Xicotepec de Juárez, Mexico

Ex Cine Garza (Former Garza Cinema)

The building of this town's first purpose-built cinema theater now houses a restaurant, but its walls still represent a distant heritage.
Paris, France

La Bague de Kenza

This Algerian sweet shop serves confections in an eye-popping array of hues.
Paris, France

Lempicka's Former Studio

Former home to Polish artist Tamara de Lempicka's dazzling Art Deco duplex studio.
Thiais, France

Grave of Beauford Delaney

The formerly unmarked grave of the noted Black American painter, who was a friend to James Baldwin.
Paris, France

Chez Aline

Grab a life-changing ham sandwich at this former horse butchershop.
Paris, France


Order a boozy baba au rhum at the oldest patisserie in Paris.
Paray-le-Monial, France

Musée d'Art et d'Industrie Paul Charnoz

Explore the art and history of intricate, hand-crafted tile designs at this small museum.
Baud, France

Vénus de Quinipily

Despite the name, this ancient statue of uncertain origins is unlikely to represent the Roman goddess Venus.
Saint-Just-d'Ardèche, France

Musée d'art Moderne St Just D'Ardeche

This massive and eclectic collection is filled with thousands of sculptures, masks, and assemblages.
Meslay-le-Grenet, France

The Danse Macabre of L'église Saint-Orien de Meslay-le-Grenet

A haunting medieval mural of the Danse Macabre graces the walls of this church.
Lille, France

'The Minotaur'

This monumental mural crafted nearly 40 years ago is still in perfect condition.
Saint-Pol-de-Léon, France

Les Étagères de la Nuit (Shelves of the Night)

Each of these hand-painted wooden boxes, which date to between the 16th and 19th centuries, contains a genuine human skull.
Honfleur, France

Jardin du Tripot

An art-filled botanical garden and former dyeworks hiding in plain sight.
Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France

Frieze of Lions

This pair of running lions engraved on animal bone is one of the earliest artistic depictions of big cats.
Dicy, France

Le Manège de Petit Pierre in La Fabuloserie Museum

A small world of mechanical magic and metal merry-go-rounds in a Outsider art Museum.
Paris, France

Vaslav Nijinsky’s Grave

A melancholy jester sits on the grave of a famous 20th-century ballet dancer and choreographer.
Cavaillon, France

Maison Prévôt

From the dishes to the art, this Michelin-starred restaurant orbits around one beloved French melon.