rfrazier1987's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Bladensburg, Maryland
Places visited in Stavanger, Norway
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Strand, Norway


This "preacher's pulpit" once used for pagan ritual, is home to a new, and dangerous ritual.
Oslo, Norway

The Devil of Oslo

In downtown Oslo, a menacing and terrifying relief clings to a church wall.
Flåm, Norway

Ægir Brewery

A Viking-style brewpub named for a Norse sea giant, in the heart of fjord country.
Aurland, Norway

Laerdal Tunnel

Longest road tunnel in the world features an air treatment plant and the illusion of daylight.
Aurland, Norway

Aurland Lookout

A thin pane of glass keeps visitors from sliding off this futuristic skywalk.
Flåm, Norway

Flåmsbana (Flåm Railway)

One of the most breathtaking railways in Europe also takes one of the steepest climbs, from fjord to mountain plateau.
Oslo, Norway

Gol Stave Church

This handsomely carved wooden church is more than 800 years old.
Bergen, Norway

Fløibanen Funicular

A favorite with sightseers, this Norwegian funicular provides easy access to a stunning view of Bergen and its environs.
Stavanger, Norway

Sverd I Fjell

Monuments don't get much more metal than these three giant viking swords planted in a Nordic hill.
Stavanger, Norway

Iddis: The Norwegian Printing and The Norwegian Canning Museum

A former factory now pays tribute to a local industry fueled by sardines.
Stavanger, Norway

Norwegian Petroleum Museum

An impressive museum dedicated to the resource that made the Scandinavian country rich.
Stavanger, Norway

Valberget Utsiktspunkt

In a city of wooden houses, this watchtower was vital for early fire detection.
Stavanger, Norway

Path of Peace

An opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Nobel Peace Prize winners.
Stavanger, Norway

'Broken Column'

An art project designed to encourage people to explore and investigate their surroundings more closely
Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger Cathedral

Norway's oldest cathedral still in use.
Chicago, Illinois

World Artifacts on the Tribune Tower Walls

Fragments of architectural wonders from around the globe are embedded in the newspaper building's walls.
Chicago, Illinois

Beginning (and End) of Historic Route 66

A journey begins with a single step, and for many, the road-trip of a lifetime started at this Chicago intersection.
Chicago, Illinois

Thorne Miniature Rooms

Each of these gorgeous, intricately decorated rooms is painstakingly crafted to the scale of 1 inch: 1 foot.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Stock Exchange Trading Room

Once at the center of U.S. finance, the historic Trading Room was meticulously recreated piece by piece and rebuilt in the Art Institute.
Chicago, Illinois

Couch Place (The Alley of Death)

This alley in downtown Chicago held the bodies of over 600 people after the fateful Iroquois Theatre fire.
Chicago, Illinois

S.S. Eastland Memorial

This memorial plaque remembers a strangely shallow maritime disaster known as "Chicago's Titanic."
Chicago, Illinois

Tiffany Dome

This massive stained-glass masterpiece is thought to be the largest Tiffany dome in existence.
Elmira, New York

Mark Twain's Study

The wooden octagon in which Huckleberry Finn and A Connecticut Yankee were born can still be visited in upstate New York.
Buffalo, New York

Buffalo Central Terminal

Ruins of a once-prized railroad station in New York.