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Places visited in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
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Musselburgh, Scotland

'The Musselburgh Archer'

A sculpture dedicated to the Roman history steeped in a Scottish town.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Wildlife Mural

One of Edinburgh's most popular works of street art is located well off the beaten path.
Edinburgh, Scotland

World War I Training Trenches

These trenches were used to train the Scottish military for life on the frontlines of World War I.
Bristol, England

'Well Hung Lover'

Banksy's image of a naked man dangling from the window of a sex health clinic.
Bristol, England

Pero's Bridge

This pedestrian footbridge honors Pero Jones, an enslaved African who lived in Bristol.
Bristol, England

Replica of the Matthew

An authentic, seaworthy replica of the ship that sailed to Newfoundland in 1497.
Bristol, England

Cheese Lane Shot Tower

A 142-foot-tall Q-tip on Bristol's skyline.
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Al Balad

For centuries, Jeddah’s old town was a major trading port and a point of entry for Hajj pilgrims traveling by sea.
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

The Floating Mosque

Al Rahmah Mosque appears to "float" atop the Red Sea.
Dublin, Ireland

Samuel Beckett Bridge

Dublin's most modern, visually spectacular bridge is modeled after Ireland's national emblem.
Dublin, Ireland

Rory Gallagher Corner

A guitar mounted on a wall in Temple Bar honors the Irish musician.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Crown Liquor Saloon

This Victorian-era public house has set the standard for pub-style elegance for over a hundred years.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Europa Hotel

It was once nicknamed "the most bombed hotel in Europe."
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast Botanic Gardens Palm House

For part of the year, this innovative greenhouse is painted white to keep the plants from getting scorched.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

'The Salmon of Knowledge'

A giant sculpture of the legendary "Salmon of Knowledge" celebrates the return of fish to Belfast's River Lagan.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Launch Site of the Titanic

A museum marks and documents the site of the Titanic's launch.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

'Glass of Thrones Belfast'

A series of stained glass artworks that depict images of the hit TV show.
Cumbria, England

Scafell Pike

The highest peak in all of England is plagued by dangerously fickle climate shifts.
London, England

Platform 9 3/4

Kings Cross Station pays tribute to its role in Britain's best-selling book series.
Canterbury, England

Crooked House

This skewed English house has looked like it's going to fall over for centuries.
Norwich, England

Norwich Castle Museum

This medieval castle is filled with an eccentric collection that ranges from ancient Egyptian artifacts to taxidermy to a mummified hand that was cut off during a duel.
Leeds, England

Royal Armouries Museum

One of three sites in England that house the National Collection of Arms and Armour.
Liverpool, England

Toilets at the Philharmonic Dining Rooms

These rose marble urinals are the most luxurious loos in Liverpool.
Rome, Italy

Stadio dei Marmi

This Italian stadium makes liberal use of fascist statuary to evoke classical sporting arenas.