ryantillman's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Stillwater, New York

Boot Monument

A monument to the military service of America's greatest traitor refuses to even name him.
Amsterdam, New York

The Wildlife Sports and Educational Museum

This sprawling taxidermy collection celebrates the art and history of sport hunting.
North Bennington, Vermont

Jennings Hall

The building that inspired Shirley Jackson's "The Haunting of Hill House."
Bennington, Vermont

Lincoln Square

The Vermont square that inspired Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery."
Lake George, New York

Magic Forest

This throwback amusement park is home to rides and unique storybook figures from the past.
Lake George, New York

Bloody Pond

This lovely little pond is named after the hundreds of soldiers' corpses that were rolled into the waters during the French-Indian War.
Newcomb, New York


An old abandoned mining town in The Adirondacks where Theodore Roosevelt first learned of the shooting of President William McKinley.
Lincoln, New Hampshire

Betty and Barney Hill Memorials

A gas station and a state sign commemorating the most famous claims of extraterrestrial abduction.
Grafton, Vermont

The Nature Museum Feejee Mermaid

Antique gaffe kept in the basement of a small Vermont natural history museum.
Hart's Location, New Hampshire

Frankenstein Cliff

Rock face that shares a name with Mary Shelley's famous doctor.
White River Junction, Vermont

Main Street Museum

Taxonomy experiment known for quirky collections.
Middlebury, Vermont

Grave of Amum-Her-Khepesh-Ef

The Vermont grave of a 4,000-year-old mummy prince.
Thetford, Vermont


This folk art dinosaur was almost pushed to extinction due to lack of a building permit.
St. Johnsbury, Vermont

Dog Chapel

A small chapel celebrating the spiritual bond between dogs and humans.
Corinth, Vermont

East Corinth

The quaint little Vermont town played a quaint little Connecticut town in Tim Burton's "Beetlejuice."
St. Johnsbury, Vermont

Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium

A New England curiosity cabinet, one hundred years on.
Burlington, Vermont

Lake Champlain Monster Monument

Cryptid lake monster honored with its own monument.
Shelburne, Vermont

Shelburne Farms

A massive sustainable farm designed by the mastermind behind Central Park.
Burlington, Vermont

Burled Forest

A forest wonderland caused by Burlington, Vermont's aggressive southwestern winds.
Williamstown, Vermont

Knight's Spider Web Farm

The "original web site," this farm in Northern Vermont encourages orb-weaver spiders to build their daily webs, and then sells the preserved masterpieces.
Graniteville, Vermont

Rock of Ages Granite Quarry

Tour the world's largest deep-hole dimension granite quarry, where you can view the plant where gravestones are made and roll a ball down the outdoor granite bowling alley.
Barre, Vermont

Hope Cemetery

This large cemetery is known as the museum of granite sculptures.
Montpelier, Vermont

Green Mount Cemetery

Beautiful hillside Vermont cemetery with amazing funerary art.
Stowe, Vermont

Emily’s Bridge

This New England covered bridge is home to the tale of a jilted lover known to haunt the area.