ryantillman's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Providence, Rhode Island

Big Blue Bug

Ironically this massive termite is the mascot for a company that is acclaimed for killing his kind.
Providence, Rhode Island

Stephen Harris House

A simple Colonial home with a past haunted by death and madness.
Providence, Rhode Island

Roger Williams Root

The vaguely man-shaped root that ate the body of the founder of Rhode Island.
Providence, Rhode Island

John Hay Library

Books bound in human skin and H. P. Lovecraft's letters are among a few of the treasures this library has to offer.
Narragansett, Rhode Island

Point Judith Lighthouse

This lighthouse was witness to the end of WWII hostilities and now collects creepy cairns.
Exeter, Rhode Island

Grave of Mercy Brown

The final resting place of New England's last "vampire."
Hopkinton, Rhode Island

Enchanted Forest

This fairy tale-themed amusement park is now abandoned, and childhood metaphors abound.
Charlestown, Rhode Island

The Fantastic Umbrella Factory

250-year-old farm now features sculptures, a petting zoo and a hippy-bazaar.
Bristol, Rhode Island

Musée Patamécanique

The exact whereabouts of this surreal cabinet of curiosities are rarely the same place twice.
Jamestown, Rhode Island

Fort Wetherill

Abandoned Coast Artillery fort now serves as a graffiti canvas and sightseeing vantage point.
Newport, Rhode Island

The Swiss Village

A railroad magnate's replica village has become home to a genetic seed bank for rare breeds of livestock.
Newport, Rhode Island

Carey Mansion

This Rhode Island mansion was a stand-in for the exteriors of Collinwood in the original "Dark Shadows" series.
Portsmouth, Rhode Island

Green Animals Topiary Garden

Unicorns, elephants, and bears, oh my!
Becket, Massachusetts

Becket Land Trust Historic Quarry and Forest

Locals purchased this abandoned quarry in order to make sure it continues to be overgrown.
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts

Bridge of Flowers

An old trolley bridge was converted into a breathtaking garden bursting with colorful flowers.
Greenfield, Massachusetts

Poet's Seat Tower

This tall Massachusetts folly got its name thanks to all of the purple prose its vistas inspired.
Montague, Massachusetts

Black Jungle Terrarium Supply

Small shop offering mail-order rare and exotic plants.
Deerfield, Massachusetts

The Rock and Fossil and Dinosaur Shop

This roadside attraction attracts kids with dinosaurs before blindsiding them with geology.
Montague, Massachusetts

The Montague Book Mill

Books you don’t need in a place you can’t find.
South Hadley, Massachusetts

Joseph Allen Skinner Museum

One philanthropist's extensive collection of knick-knacks and curiosities is now a public museum of oddity.
Amherst, Massachusetts

Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art

Founded by the famed children's book artist, this museum spreads an appreciation of the arts through picture books.
Belchertown, Massachusetts

Belchertown State School for the Feeble-Minded

This decrepit abandoned building is made all the more eerie by its dark history.
Webster, Massachusetts

Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg

It's not a typo, now say it five times fast!
Brookfield, Massachusetts

Spooner Well

Monument on the spot where in 1778, Bathsheba Spooner had her husband Joshua killed and dumped down his own well.