salmson2a2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Kayenta, Arizona
Places edited in Kristiansand, Norway
Places edited in Dubuque, Iowa
Places edited in Taroona, Australia
Places edited in Lucas, Kansas
Places edited in San Simeon, California
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Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Temple

A gothic church spire sits atop this skyscraper, the tallest church in the world.
Sundance, Wyoming

Vore Buffalo Jump

This shallow pit was once used to send over 20,000 buffalo plummeting to their death.
Casper, Wyoming

Independence Rock

A popular rock that acted as a waymarker for American pioneers.
Guernsey, Wyoming

Register Cliff

Long before guestbooks and hotels, frontier travelers signed their names on this rock face.
Lahaina, Hawaii

Lahaina Banyan Tree

Take shelter from Hawai'i's tropical heat under the massive canopy of largest Banyan tree on the island.
Captain Cook, Hawaii

Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau

These ancient sacred grounds granted amnesty to those who managed to reach them.

Punalu`u Black Sand Beach

This black shoreline is made up of exploded lava particles.
Hana, Hawaii

Hana Lava Tube

A tunnel of hardened lava along Maui’s famous Road to Hana.
Honolulu, Hawaii

Bishop Museum

This museum of Hawaiian and Polynesian culture is the legacy of the last descendant of the Kamehameha Dynasty.
Boulder City, Nevada

Winged Figures of the Republic

A Norwegian-born sculptor created these soaring guardian angels at the entrance to Hoover Dam.
Lovell, Wyoming

Bighorn Medicine Wheel

Native Americans built this circle of stones, which was used to predict astronomical events.
San Simeon, California

Hearst Castle

The unbelievably opulent home built for an infamous newspaperman.
Yavapai County, Arizona

Montezuma Castle

Ninety feet off the valley floor is an ancient dwelling put under protection of the U.S. government by Teddy Roosevelt.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

The official atomic museum of the United States explores the explosive and productive history of a much maligned energy source.
Chimayo, New Mexico

El Santuario de Chimayo

This popular pilgrimage site offers a hole filled with holy healing dirt.
Silver City, New Mexico

Gila Cliff Dwellings

These ruins of a pre-Columbian cliff village are among the most beautiful and well preserved in New Mexico.
Wilmette, Illinois

Bahá'í Temple

The only Bahá'í house of worship in North America and one of only a handful worldwide.
Lexington, Oregon

The Duplicative Forest

Remember that scene in the Matrix, when Neo is in the big white room with all the weapons flying by? Well, this is what it would look like if he had wanted trees instead of guns.
Springfield, Illinois

Lincoln Tomb

When you visit his grave, be sure to rub the Great Emancipator's nose for good luck.
Chicago, Illinois

Hidden Egyptian Temple in Field Museum Break Room

Years of archaeology, just chillin' by the water cooler.
Honolulu, Hawaii

Iolani Palace

The only royal palace on U.S. soil has been a territorial capitol, a military headquarters, and a prison for a queen.
Chicago, Illinois

Tsavo Man Eaters

These pretty kitties killed and ate as many as 135 railway workers.
Owls Head, Maine

Owls Head Transportation Museum

Every plane, auto, and bicycle in this collection is kept in working order and are regularly demonstrated to the public.
Cornish, New Hampshire

Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park

The summer home and later final residence of acclaimed American sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens.