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Thann, France

L'œil de la Sorcière (The Witch’s Eye)

The remains of this castle, known as the Witch’s Eye, watch over the Thur Valley.
Paris, France

Gnomon of Saint-Sulpice

This 18th-century sundial was designed to calculate the date of Easter each year.
Auvers Village, France

Marie-Jeanne Valet vs. the Beast of Gevaudan

Memorializing the bravery of one young woman facing the monster of her age.
Le Château-d'Olonne, France

Le Puits d'Enfer (The Well of Hell)

This crack in France's seaside cliffs once hid a sinister secret.
Provins, France

Le Roy Lire

An atmospheric, medieval-themed book store hides in a 13th-century underground space.
Mialet, France

100,000 Soldiers of Trabuc Caves

This army of concretions is an unexplained geological phenomenon unlike anything else in the world.
Metz, France

Jean Cocteau's Stained Glass Windows

A neighborhood church's unusual abstract stained glass was the final project of avant-garde artist Jean Cocteau.
Saint-Evroult-Notre-Dame-du-Bois, France

Ruins of Abbey of Saint-Evroul

This 1,400-year-old abbey was once a powerhouse for music and intellectualism known across Normandy.
Lille, France

Porte de Paris

This triumphal arch celebrating the Sun King's conquest of Lille is a masterpiece of military architecture.
Paris, France

Roger La Grenouille

This frog-themed restaurant was frequented by Picasso, Saint-Exupéry, and more.
Saint-Léger-de-Peyre, France

Les Loups du Gevaudan

A sanctuary for wolves in a community which once trembled in fear of the murderous "Beast of Gévaudan."
Tende, France

Valley of Wonders

Tens of thousands of ancient rock carvings hidden in the heart of a French national park.
Treigny, France

Guedelon Castle

Despite centuries of architectural innovation, this French castle is being built like it's the 13th century.
Réotier, France

Petrified Fountain of Réotier

This otherworldly French waterfall looks like its waters have turned to stone.
Alliat, France

Niaux Cave Paintings

Trek into the depths of the cave where 17,000-year-old paintings exist alongside 400-year-old graffiti.
Haute-Isle, France

Troglodyte Church

The Church of the Annunciation was carved into the face of a cliff, just like the rest of the town of Haute-Isle.
Bailleau-Armenonville, France

Vélorails Pays Chartrain

A bike train runs along a disused railway line through the tranquil French countryside.
Rouen, France

Tower of Joan of Arc

This medieval tower is all that remains of the castle where Joan of Arc was held before being burned at the stake.
Saint-Rivoal, France

Mont Saint-Michel de Brasparts

An isolated 17th-century chapel on a remarkable site once dedicated to Celtic sun worship.
Le Puy, France

Saint Michel d'Aiguilhe (St. Michael of the Needle)

A chapel on a volcanic core, marking the end of a successful journey.
Albi, France

Albi Cathedral

A medieval church with largest and oldest collection of Renaissance frescoes in France.
Risoul, France

Plan de Phazy

Since ancient times these picturesque springs have been providing bathers with healing waters.
Paris, France

Temple de la Sybille (The Temple of Sybille)

This structure atop a craggy cliff in one of the most beautiful parks in Paris boasts an unbeatable view.
Roubaix, France

La Piscine

Museum in a swimming pool where the water still flows.