samoh's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Fremont, California

The Secret Sidewalk

The old Niles Canyon Aqueduct in the San Francisco Bay Area is a bemusing and secret trail through nature for wayward travelers.

Great Blue Hole

A massive underwater sinkhole made famous by Jacques Cousteau.
Yamanouchi, Japan

Jigokudani Monkey Park

Hot springs monkey spa in the middle of Hell's Valley.
Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Synchronous Fireflies of the Great Smoky Mountains

For two weeks every June, fireflies in the Smoky Mountains perform an astonishing light show.
Bomarzo, Italy

The Monsters of Bomarzo

A 16th-century horror show built in a lovely Italian garden.
Banos, Ecuador

Swing at the End of the World

A swing to dangle you off the very edge.
Kyoto, Japan

Sagano Bamboo Forest

The sound of swaying stalks in this stunning grove has been named a governmentally recognized sound.
Page, Arizona

Horseshoe Bend

Dramatic river bend surrounds a natural red-rocked pedestal.
Glendale, California

Museum of Neon Art

A one-of-a-kind collection of a unique medium.
Berlin, Germany


An eerie, derelict amusement park in Berlin.

The Gates of Hell

A fiery crater has been burning in the Karakum Desert since 1971.
Inyo County, California

Sailing Stones of Racetrack Playa

The rocks in this arid basin leave trails of movement behind them.
San Francisco, California

Seward Street Slides

Bring your own cardboard to the slippery slopes of concrete hidden in a neighborhood park.
Aguas Calientes, Peru

Machu Picchu: The Lost City of The Inca

The intricate stonework of Machu Picchu serves as a testament to Incan engineers.
Kitakyushu, Japan

Wisteria Tunnel

An exquisite tunnel of cascading flowers.
Marble Canyon, Arizona

The Wave

Rippling sand dunes frozen in the Arizona rock.
Los Angeles, California

The Echo Park Time Travel Mart

Non-profit time travel mart sells goods you would need for a trip through the fourth dimension.
Mitaka, Japan

Ghibli Museum

A magical place that lets you play in and explore the world of Studio Ghibli.
Coleford, England


The mysterious, fantastical woodland inspiration for "The Lord of the Rings."
New York, New York

Dream House

La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela's "Dream House" will immerse you in an ever changing world of sound and light.
Isle of Staffa, Scotland

Fingal's Cave

This astonishingly geometric cave has inspired everyone from Jules Verne to Pink Floyd.
Ishinomaki, Japan

Cat Island

On Japan's Tashirojima Island, cats are king.
Los Angeles, California

Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens

A spiritual retreat in the heart of Los Angeles offers stunning gardens and a labyrinth to lose yourself in.
Los Angeles, California

Bob Baker Marionette Theater

Historic marionette theater features thousands of handmade puppets and free cups of ice cream.