SaultersWood's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Danvers, Massachusetts

Rebecca Nurse Homestead and Graveyard

This historic graveyard monument is dedicated to a tragic victim of witch trial hysteria.
Brooklyn, New York

Lesbian Herstory Archives

The world's largest collection of materials relating to lesbian history is housed in a Brooklyn townhouse.
Topeka, Kansas

Equality House

A rainbow-colored house promotes LGBTQ rights across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church.
Los Angeles, California

Tom House

Historic house-museum dedicated to the revolutionary gay graphic artist Tom of Finland.
New York, New York

Gay Liberation

The first piece of public art dedicated to LGBT rights.
New York, New York

Keith Haring's 'Once Upon a Time' Bathroom Mural

A masterpiece of LGBT art has been restored in what may now be the most valuable restroom in America.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Three connected pink triangles memorialize persecuted gays and lesbians throughout history.
Tlalnepantla, Mexico

'Tomb of the Years' at Tenayuca Pyramid

An archaeological museum at the Aztec pyramid displays signs of the New Fire ritual performed every 52 years.
Ajijic, Mexico

'El Muro de los Muertos' ('The Wall of the Dead')

The corner walls of a primary school showcase a Mexican version of memento mori.
Toluca, Mexico

Manuel M. Villada Museum of Natural History

The mummies of a fake priest and bandit's wife are among the abundant curiosities at this museum.
Xalapa, Mexico

Xalapa Museum of Anthropology

The largest collection of artifacts from the Olmec civilization, the mother culture of Mesoamerica.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Panteón General (General Cemetery)

This graveyard boasts a medley of diverse and imaginative funeral architecture.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Post Mortem Chapel

The ruins of an abandoned church mingle with the graves at Oaxaca’s General Cemetery.
Encarnación de Díaz, Mexico

Mummies of Museo de las Animas

An impressive if morbid collection of mummified remains from different eras of the region's history.
Cuilapam de Guerrero, Mexico

Princess Donají Tomb

This abandoned convent keeps the tomb of a legendary beheaded princess.
San Pablo Villa de Mitla, Mexico

Column of Death

A mysterious pillar in an ancient burial chamber is said to predict how long you have to live.
Mexico City, Mexico

Palace of the Inquisition

This foreboding building was the headquarters of the terrifying Spanish Inquisition in Mexico.
Pomuch, Mexico

Pomuch Cemetery

Once a year in Pomuch, the dead are taken out for a cleaning.
León, Mexico

Catacombs at Templo Expiatorio

A neo-Gothic temple in central Mexico featuring a labyrinthine network of crypts.
Santa Ana Chapitiro, Mexico

Temple of Santa Muerte

This church devoted to Mexico's "dead saint" is a festive celebration of a formerly hidden religious figure.
Chihuahua, Mexico

La Pascualita

This 80-year old mannequin is so lifelike it is believed to be an embalmed corpse.
Mexico City, Mexico

Pantheon of San Fernando

The burial place of some of Mexico's most prominent residents is full of macabre stories and hidden masonic symbols.
Xochicalco, Mexico

Xochicalco Pyramids

The ruins of an ancient city built by Mayan traders is centered around a temple of a sacred feathered serpent deity.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo de la Medicina Mexicana

A scientific repository of goiters, boils and other ailments throughout Mexican history.