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Argolis, Greece


This legendary city has been a tourist attraction for centuries.
Zakinthos, Greece

Navagio Beach

Hidden in a secluded Greek cove is a pristine beach marred only by the rusting smuggler's hulk stranded on its shores.

The Oracle of Delphi

The hallucinogenic center of the ancient world.


A spectacular cave and a beguiling lake.
Kalabaka, Greece


Monasteries on rock pillars, once accessible only by frayed ropes.

The Oldest Chunk of Rock in the World

The 3.8 billion-year-old rock proves that tectonic plates may have been shifting longer than we thought.
Wicklow, Ireland

Howard Mausoleum Pyramid

On the Irish coast, 18 members of the Howard family are eternally resting in an Egyptian pyramid.
Birr, Ireland

Kinnitty Pyramid

This burial pyramid in central Ireland is thousands of miles and thousands of years away from its Egyptian inspiration.
Clare, Ireland

Doolin Cave

This controversial Irish show cave is home to a massive formation known as the Great Stalactite.
Fingal, Ireland

Lambay Island

Wallabies live naturally on this Irish island.
Wicklow, Ireland

The Round Tower of Glendalough

This ancient Irish tower could easily have stood in for Rapunzel's prison.
Glenslane, Ireland

The Hole of the Sorrows

This singular Irish dolmen is more Frank Lloyd Wright than upright stonehenge.
Tullamore, Ireland

Charleville Castle

An 1814 castle that hosts an exhibit of "explorabilia".
Dublin, Ireland

Kingship and Sacrifice

This permanent collection of preserved bodies taken from Irish bogs is one of the leading authorities on such morbid mummies.
Laois, Ireland

The Rock of Dunamase

A rocky Irish outcropping with a history of wealth, conflict, and ruin.
Dublin, Ireland

Kilmainham Gaol

One of Ireland's most infamous prisons for rebels including men, women and children.
Athlone, Ireland

Sean's Bar

The oldest pub in Ireland may also be the oldest surviving bar in the entire world.
Leixlip, Ireland

The Wonderful Barn

A corkscrew-shaped barn in Ireland.
Skibbereen, Ireland

Irish Sky Garden

This floating garden in the sky is straight out of a fairy tale, but the real thing is nothing short of magical.
Rosscarbery, Ireland

Drombeg Stone Circle

One of the most popular megalithic sites in Ireland stands as a humbler version of Stonehenge.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Dunmore Cave

This Irish show cave is said to have been the site of a Viking massacre that claimed 1,000 lives.
Dowth, Ireland


The ancient tomb acts as a calendar that keeps perfect time.
Kerry, Ireland

Skellig Michael

Perfectly preserved ancient monastery in an impossibly dramatic location on a rocky island in the Atlantic.
Sligo, Ireland

The Glen

A tiny microvalley etched into the side of Knocknarea Mountain hides another world.