slester5162's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Falls Church, Virginia

'Pennies from Heaven'

A whopping 14,000 copper coins cover this miniature fighter jet.
Arlington, Virginia

Ronald Reagan National Airport's Historic Terminal A

The romance of early commercial flight still fills this Art Deco destination.
Pamplin, Virginia

Steins Unlimited

One man's lifelong collection of 10,000 rare steins tells the story of beer drinking from 1350 to today.
Williamsburg, Virginia

President Heads

Giant busts of 42 U.S. presidents are sitting in a field in Virginia.
Nashville, Tennessee

Edgehill Polar Bears

For decades these polar bears have roamed all around a Nashville neighborhood.
Nashville, Tennessee

Dragon Park

This popular park is home to a sea serpent sculpture that now overshadows the twisted history of its creation.
Nashville, Tennessee

Saint Mary of the Seven Sorrows Catholic Church

This church houses the “incorrupt” body of its founding Bishop.
Nashville, Tennessee

Old Tennessee State Prison

This defunct, fortress-like prison has been the setting for several movies.
Nashville, Tennessee

Boy Scout Catfish

This quirky local sculpture is quite literally a fish out of water.
Nashville, Tennessee

George Boedecker's Sculpture Garden

Dinosaurs invade a suburban Nashville neighborhood.
Nashville, Tennessee

Dutchman's Curve

The site of the one of the most deadly train wrecks in American history.
Nashville, Tennessee

Ugly Nathan Bedford Forrest Statue

One Confederate statue that accurately reflects the ugliness of its subject.
Nashville, Tennessee

President James K. Polk's Tomb

The grave of America's 11th president is not in some grand monument but instead it's hidden away on the grounds of the Tennessee Capital.
Nashville, Tennessee

Timothy Demonbreun's Cave

The small cave that housed Tennessee's "first citizen."
Nashville, Tennessee

Hermitage Hotel Men's Bathroom

This award-winning men's bathroom was just too beautiful to not allow women to see.
Nashville, Tennessee

Concrete Parthenon

This replica of the Greek structure is in the heart of Nashville.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Red Mountain

The eroded core of an ancient volcano is now accessible by a short hike.
Overton, Nevada

Lost City Museum

Preserving the remains of Native American cultures which otherwise would have been submerged behind Hoover Dam.
Clark County, Nevada

Valley of Fire

The drama of nature in full effect in this Nevada State Park.
Page, Arizona

Horseshoe Bend

Dramatic river bend surrounds a natural red-rocked pedestal.
Safford, Arizona

Large Binocular Telescope

One of the world's largest telescopes, stares into the night sky with two huge mirrors.
Littlefield, Arizona

Pumpkin Spring Pool

An arsenic-filled pool in the Grand Canyon takes on the appearance of a giant, overflowing pumpkin.
Supai, Arizona

Havasupai Falls

This secluded aqua waterfall in the Grand Canyon is the perfect swimming hole, and the Havasupai tribe's fiercely protected natural wonder.
Yucca, Arizona

Area 66

This golf ball–shaped former desert real estate office now houses a UFO museum.