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Places visited in Urubamba, Peru
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Cusco, Peru

The Twelve-Angled Stone

This geometric feat is a testament to the Incas' mesmerizing architectural abilities.
Cusco, Peru

Cusco Cathedral

Situated on a sacred Inca site, this 16th-century cathedral took nearly 100 years to build.
Cusco, Peru

Chinchilla Last Supper

A painting in the historic Cathedral Basilica depicts Jesus and his disciples dining on a traditional Peruvian menu.
Cusco, Peru


The stones of this Incan wall complex fit together so well you couldn't fit a piece of paper between some of them.
Lima, Peru

Paddington Bear of Lima

The little bear in the "funny kind of hat" has made his way from London back to Peru.
Lima, Peru

Larco Museum's Erotic Art

The large collection of pre-Columbian pottery might make you blush.
Lima, Peru

Huaca Pucllana

This stone complex marks the urban center of a lost civilization.
Lima, Peru

Convento de San Francisco Ossuary

The mortal remains of an estimated 70,000 people lie in the basement of a monastery in Lima, Peru.
Dublin, Ireland

Wolfe Tone Statue

An enigmatic monument to the Irish revolutionary who plotted an uprising against British rule.
Drogheda, Ireland


This Neolithic passage tomb forms part of a World Heritage Site.
Corofin, Ireland

The Burren

A hugely vast Irish landscape of barren rock that stretches for miles.
Connemara, Ireland

Kylemore Abbey

A stunning Victorian abbey and walled garden on a lakefront.
Glenslane, Ireland

The Hole of the Sorrows

This singular Irish dolmen is more Frank Lloyd Wright than upright stonehenge.
Dublin, Ireland


Experience what life was like in Ireland during the Viking and medieval ages.
Meath, Ireland

Mound of the Hostages

An ancient neolithic tomb that only sees the sun twice a year.
Dowth, Ireland


The ancient tomb acts as a calendar that keeps perfect time.
Dublin, Ireland

Samuel Beckett Bridge

Dublin's most modern, visually spectacular bridge is modeled after Ireland's national emblem.
Dublin, Ireland

‘Why Go Bald’ Sign

This neon landmark has been posing this deadpan question to follicly-challenged Dubliners for over 50 years.
Dublin, Ireland

Phil Lynott Statue

A statue in the center of Dublin dedicated to one of their favorite sons of rock & roll.
Dublin, Ireland

Relics of St. Valentine at Whitefriar Street Church

Some of the saint's blood and bones are said to reside in Dublin.
Dublin, Ireland

Francis Bacon's Preserved Art Studio

The chaotic studio of one of the 20th century's most important artists has been preserved down to the dust.
Dublin, Ireland

The Oscar Wilde House

The house where the writer spent his formative years.
Dublin, Ireland

The Joker's Chair

This courtly monument celebrates an influential comedian who turned taking the piss out of the powers-that-be into an art.
Dublin, Ireland

Sweny's Pharmacy

The 19th-century pharmacy (now a used bookstore) was featured in James Joyce’s "Ulysses," and has changed very little to this day.