Smallme's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Brussels, Belgium

Comic Strip Route

This collection of over 50 murals celebrates Brussels' rich history as the self-proclaimed home of the "comic strip."
Brussels, Belgium

Royal Greenhouses of Laeken

Lavish royal estate punctuated with heated greenhouses.
Aptos, California

SS Palo Alto

This concrete ship has had four careers - World War I tanker, floating amusement park, fishing pier, and artificial reef.
Nagasaki, Japan

Fukusai-ji Temple

The giant figure on the back of this turtle-shaped temple actually hides a memorial pendulum.
Takaoka, Japan

Takaoka Daibutsu: The Great Buddha of Takaoka

This giant bronze Buddha, the third largest in Japan, is the last in an ill-fated series of statues.
Motobu, Japan

Bise Village

A network of sandy streets lined with verdant fukugi trees weaves throughout this tiny seaside town.
Tokyo, Japan

Koukokuji Buddhist Temple

Inside the columbarium, thousands of colorful, high-tech Buddhas guard the ashes of the dead.
Yamagata, Japan

Yamadera Temple Complex

The Buddhist temples of Yamadera, built into a mountain side, feature a viewing deck with sweeping views.
Takasaki, Japan

Shorinzan Darumaji Temple

Each year this Japanese temple overflows with scowling, bearded good luck talismans.
Koya, Japan

Okunoin Cemetery

Largest graveyard in all of Japan surrounds a famous mausoleum.
Takayama, Japan

Forest of Seven Lucky Gods

The divine septet of Japanese fortune gods are rendered in 1,000 year old wood at this peaceful site.
Tokyo, Japan

Gotokuji Temple

The legendary birthplace of the Japanese maneki-neko is dotted with hundreds of lucky beckoning cats.
Yakushima, Japan

Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine

The magical, mossy forest that inspired Princess Mononoke.
Tokyo, Japan

Kabukicho Robot Restaurant

Cabaret where the show girls are all androids, and the patrons couldn't be more pleased.
Kyoto, Japan

Ukiyoe Small Museum

A tiny collection of traditional Japanese woodblock prints, open only when the owner feels like it.
Kyoto, Japan

Sagano Scenic Railway

A train ride to the middle of nowhere gives its passengers some of the most iconic views of Japan's seasons.
Kyoto, Japan

Tenryu-Ji Shrine's Bamboo Trail

A beautiful bamboo trail tucked in this famous Japanese Shrine.
Kyoto, Japan

Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine

The 10,000 Torii shrine.
Kyoto, Japan

Sagano Bamboo Forest

The sound of swaying stalks in this stunning grove has been named a governmentally recognized sound.
Tokyo, Japan

Mistral Bleu Train Bar

A cool dive bar, off the beaten track.
Taketomi, Japan

The Star Sands of Hoshizuna-no-hama

White beach sands made of the remains of tiny, star shaped creatures.
Kyoto, Japan

Yasui Kompira-gu Shrine

Crawl through the hole in the middle of this stone to break off a bad relationship or initiate a good one.
Tokyo, Japan

Yanaka Cemetery

This sprawling scenic burial ground is the final resting place of Japan's last shogun.
Suita-shi, Japan

Tower of the Sun

Closed for decades, this strange symbol of Japan's Expo '70 has finally opened its psychedelic insides to the public.