smeltzygrl809's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Toomsuba, Mississippi

Simmons-Wright Company Store

This historic general store still operates much as it did in the late 1800s.
Paradise, Michigan

Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum

This lighthouse and shipwreck museum keep a torch burning for the memory of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald.
Beaufort, North Carolina

North Carolina Maritime Museum at Beaufort

A maritime museum holding the remains of Blackbeard's pirate ship.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philbert the Pig

This beloved marketplace mascot poops money and grants good luck.
Jaffrey, New Hampshire

Mount Monadnock

Known as one of the most climbed mountains in the world, this barren peak is permanently bald thanks to an anti-wolf fire.
Hancock, Vermont

Texas Falls

An ancient glacial pothole waterfall in the heart of the Green Mountains.
Seattle, Washington

Off the Rez Cafe

Where else would a linchpin of post-colonial Native American cuisine anchor the menu but a museum?
Arco, Idaho

Experimental Breeder Reactor-I

The world's first nuclear power plant is open to visitors looking to role-play a meltdown.
Jamestown, North Dakota

Legendary Albino Buffalo

Three legendary, living albino buffalo roaming their pastures for all to see.
Rancho Cordova, California

Back to the 80s Cafe

This diner's a kitschy dreamland for anyone whose heart is stuck in the 1980s.
Boothbay, Maine

Kenneth E. Stoddard Shell Museum

A son's promise to his dying father in the form of a covered bridge filled with thousands of seashells.
Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico

Wheeler Peak

This highest peak in New Mexico is named after an explorer who had a habit of lending his monicker to peaks.
Walnut Grove, Minnesota

Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum and Pageant

Elaborate drama imparts an appreciation for 19th century hardships.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Buffalo Ridge 1880 Cowboy Town

This Wild West attraction is alive with glitching automatons.
New York, New York

Nathan Hale Hanging Site

A plaque immortalizes the spot where the early American spy said his famous last words: "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum

Victorian "Fancy Craft" Hair Wreaths and Relics.
Peshtigo, Wisconsin

45th Parallel Marker

Almost half-way between the Equator and North Pole.
Newport, Rhode Island

Rose Island Lighthouse

You can spend the night as an honorary lighthouse keeper in this quaint, historic beacon.
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Bloodroot Feminist Vegetarian Restaurant

This last stalwart of the now-forgotten feminist restaurant movement has been serving food in an activist atmosphere since 1977.
Fenwick Island, Delaware

Discoversea Shipwreck Museum

A desiccated merman and a walrus penis bone are among the oddities in this eclectic collection of shipwreck treasures.
Mount Hamilton, California

Lick Observatory

The world's first permanently occupied mountain-top observatory continues to report on the stars.
Flora, Mississippi

Mississippi Petrified Forest

A preserved stretch of ancient fossilized trees with an impressive gem collection to boot.
Port Costa, California

The Warehouse Cafe

Where the polar bear watches over everything, and every drink is a double.
Allentown, Pennsylvania

The Liberty Bell Hiding Place

The famous bell was secreted away and hidden in a church in Allentown during the British occupation of Philadelphia.