snikki01's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Baker, California

World's Largest Thermometer

This giant temperature attraction created some giant electric bills.
Baker, California

Travelers Monument

This large pile of traveler-curated rocks by the dry lakebed is a longstanding tradition on the Old Mojave Road.
Ludlow, California


One of the ghostly stops along Route 66.
Yermo, California

Liberty Sculpture Park

A collection of anti-communist sculptures stands watch in the Mojave Desert.

Fish Rocks

This unique graffiti art from the 1940s has become a staple of this local landscape in the remote California desert.
Trona, California

Trona Pinnacles

One of the most unusual geological features, recognizable from a dozen hit movies.
San Bernardino County, California

Searles Lake

This sun-scorched lakebed contains samples of half the natural elements known to humankind.
Johannesburg, California


The liveliest ghost town in the state.
San Bernardino, California

Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex

Where NASA's satellites and rovers phone home.
Barstow, California

Painted Rocks

The cluster of boulders near Fort Irwin is covered in military insignia.
Barstow, California

Vivos Underground Shelter Network for 4,000 Survivors

Nationwide network of co-ownership underground catastrophe shelters.
Lancaster, California

Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve

Each year these high desert hills are absolutely covered with poppy flowers in a surreal show of nature.
California City, California

California City: The Unbuilt Suburb

The "3rd largest" city in California is an empty mirage of suburbia in the middle of nowhere.
California City, California

Lake Shore Inn

Abandoned hotel with adjacent lake and golf course.
Boron, California

Borax Visitor Center

Everything you always wanted to know about borates is here.
Bodfish, California

Remington Hot Springs

One of the last free public hot springs is decorated with hippie art.
Tehachapi, California

Tehachapi Wind Farm

Thousands of turbines whir at at the origin of North American wind power.
Tehachapi, California

Tehachapi Loop

Where a railroad loops under or over itself to rise or drop more than 70 feet in a short distance.
Lemon Cove, California

John Muir Statue

This massive statue of John Muir on the side of a California highway was carved from a redwood tree.
Mono County, California

Hot Creek Geological Site

This naturally heated mountainous creek has created a group of neon blue pools of potentially deadly boiling water.
Bridgeport, California

Bodie State Historic Park

Standing in a state of "arrested decay," this ghost town allows for a detailed peek into Gold Rush life in an unusually harsh climate.
June Lake, California

Obsidian Dome

A natural dome made of volcanic glass in Inyo National Forest.
Lee Vining, California

Mono Lake

Aqueducts have dramatically changed this old lake, now home to tufa towers and its very own species of tiny brine shrimp.
Paicines, California

New Idria Ghost Town

After the nearby mercury mine shut down, this town was abandoned and declared a Superfund site.