speccychick's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Las Vegas, Nevada

Pinball Hall of Fame

This incredible collection of vintage pinball machines can be played at 25 cents a pop.
Las Vegas, Nevada


James Turrell's total color immersion art installation, hidden on the top floor of a luxury handbag shop.
San Diego, California

Villa Montezuma

A magnificent, reportedly haunted mansion built for a composer by Spiritualists.
San Diego, California

Women's Museum of California

This San Diego museum, housed in a former Navy training facility, is dedicated to preserving women’s historic achievements.
San Diego, California

Spruce Street Suspension Bridge

An inconspicuous footbridge beloved by San Diego locals.
Tokyo, Japan

Yurei Izakaya

Haunted house kitsch meets Japanese folklore at this theme bar where patrons can “die” and have their own mock funeral.
Tokyo, Japan

Brasserie Kyushoku Toban

A tiny cafe that recreates the Japanese elementary school lunch experience.
Tokyo, Japan

Obake Kaidan

A flight of this "ghost staircase" has 40 steps on the way up, but only 39 steps on the way down.
Tokyo, Japan

Mistral Bleu Train Bar

A cool dive bar, off the beaten track.
Tokyo, Japan

Naki Sumo Baby Crying Contest

For hundreds of years, participants in this Japanese festival have been making babies cry to ward off demons.
Tokyo, Japan

Aoyama Technical College

A giant robo-cockroach building devours Tokyo.
Tokyo, Japan

Gorilla Building

A King Kong-like gorilla hangs from the top of this commercial building in Tokyo.
Tokyo, Japan


This subterranean spot might be the epitome of Japan's baroque, retro coffee houses.
Tokyo, Japan

Ninja Akasaka

A restaurant modeled after feudal Japan, where the waitstaff are trained as ninjas.
Tokyo, Japan

Alice on Wednesday

Go through the looking glass in Tokyo's Wonderland-themed shop.
Tokyo, Japan

Owl Police Box

This adorable birdlike police box is designed based on a play on words.
Tokyo, Japan

8bit Cafe

Transport yourself to the 1980s era of video games at this themed restaurant and bar.
Tokyo, Japan


Serving you alcohol with a side of insanity. Also, costumes!
Tokyo, Japan

Detective Bar Progress

The bartenders at this crime-fighting theme cafe are actual private detectives by day.
Tokyo, Japan

Sōgenji Temple (Kappa-Dera)

Shrine to Japanese water-goblins, complete with their preserved body parts.
Tokyo, Japan

Giant GUNDAM Robot

A 20-meter (65-foot) robot towers over Tokyo Bay.
Tokyo, Japan

Akihabara Electric Town

Once a black market electronics marketplace, now an otaku shopper's paradise.
Tokyo, Japan


After a profound show of devotion for his master, a dog becomes the symbol of loyalty for an entire nation.
Tokyo, Japan

Gotokuji Temple

The legendary birthplace of the Japanese maneki-neko is dotted with hundreds of lucky beckoning cats.