spenceburleigh's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

Garden of Oz

Hidden in the hills of Hollywood, this secluded Oz-themed garden is dotted with dozens of thrones.
Florence, Oregon

Sea Lion Caves

Only known mainland rookery of the threatened Stellar sea lion.
Mecca, California

Salton Sea History Museum

A museum dedicated to a sea that should have never been.
Los Angeles, California

Venice of America Canals

After starting as a whimsical tourist attraction that eventually found its way to ruin, these renovated canals offer a lush and exotic locale on the Pacific Coast.
Herriman, Utah

The "Up" House

A replica that won't float away.
San Francisco, California

House of Air

Inside an old airplane hangar, friends and strangers alike play on a massive trampoline.
San Francisco, California

The Old Ship Saloon

A Barbary Coast watering hole built into a Gold Rush shipwreck.
Warrenton, Oregon

The Wreck of the Peter Iredale

100-year-old shipwreck you can walk up to at low tide.
Las Vegas, Nevada

St. Valentine's Day Massacre Wall

The bullet-riddled wall from the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, bloodstains enhanced for your viewing pleasure.
Leggett, California

Chandelier Tree

This massive redwood tree has a hole in the base big enough to drive through.
Newberry Springs, California

Rock-A-Hoola Waterpark

The "Fun Spot of the Desert" is now a haunting ruin, and a reminder that putting a water park in a desert is a bad idea.
Johannesburg, California


The liveliest ghost town in the state.
Beverly Hills, California


Ingenious bakery opens up the first Cupcake ATM at their flagship location in Beverly Hills.
Goldfield, Nevada

International Car Forest of the Last Church

Graffiti, cars, and religion combine to create this jungle of scrap in the Nevada desert.
Corinne, Utah

The Spiral Jetty

An earthwork sculpture built by Robert Smithson in the Great Salt Lake only reemerges during drought.
Randsburg, California

Burro Schmidt Tunnel

This impressive tunnel was dug entirely by hand over the course of 36 years.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Roden Crater

The artist James Turrell is repurposing an extinct volcano crater as an observatory to experience the cosmos.
McKenzie Bridge, Oregon

Proxy Falls

This frequently-photographed waterfall takes only a short hike to visit.
Seattle, Washington

Museum of Pop Culture

A museum dedicated to the history and exploration of both popular music and science fiction.
Nelson, Nevada


A mining town once rife with murderous disputes over its copious treasures now creates income as a popular spot for photo shoots.
Green Valley, Arizona

Titan Missile Museum

America's only nuclear missile silo open to the public.
Supai, Arizona

Havasupai Falls

This secluded aqua waterfall in the Grand Canyon is the perfect swimming hole, and the Havasupai tribe's fiercely protected natural wonder.
Mitchell, Oregon

Painted Hills

Oregon's unexpected high desert, displaying layers of time in a colorful show.
San Francisco, California

Yoda Fountain

There is no trying to fall in love with this Star Wars fountain, you just do or do not.