spew77's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sevierville, Tennessee

Forbidden Caverns

Wild lights and sound effects turn a walk through some caves into an eye-popping 1960s tourist attraction.
Adams, Tennessee

The Bell Witch Cave

Home of an evil witch famous within southern folklore.
Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Synchronous Fireflies of the Great Smoky Mountains

For two weeks every June, fireflies in the Smoky Mountains perform an astonishing light show.
Sweetwater, Tennessee

Lost Sea

Enormous lake at the bottom of a unique cave system.
Alamosa, Colorado

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

When ecosystems collide in the arid Southwest.
Manitou Springs, Colorado

Rainbow Falls

Hidden beneath a bridge, this waterfall is known for the large amounts of graffiti painted on its base.
Denver, Colorado

Linger Eatuary

Once a mortuary that held the remains of Buffalo Bill, this Denver hotspot is now a death-fixated restaurant.
Fort Collins, Colorado

Swetsville Zoo

This "zoo" is a cross between a junkyard and a sculpture garden, featuring animals you won't see anywhere else.
Dolores, Colorado

Canyons of the Ancients

A breathtaking array of ancient Pueblo structures and artifacts counterintuitively preserved by neglect.
Florence, Colorado

Desert Reef Hot Springs

This naturally-sourced hot spring is now home to a clothing-optional resort.
Denver, Colorado

International Church of Cannabis

A technicolor place of worship for Elevationists.
Dolores, Colorado

Geyser Spring Trail

Colorado's only true geyser is hidden within the San Juan National Forest.
Denver, Colorado

Buckhorn Exchange

Wall to wall taxidermy at Denver's oldest and most exotic steakhouse.
Aspen, Colorado

Ashcroft Townsite

Silver in the hills led to the speedy creation of this boom town and a lack of it saw the town abandoned nearly as quickly.
Manitou Springs, Colorado

Manitou Incline

This super steep hike ascends 2,000 feet in less than a mile.
Aspen, Colorado

Magic Mushroom House

An architect in Aspen used psychedelics as his muse while building this mushroom masterpiece.
Leadville, Colorado

Leadville's Abandoned Silver Mine

Abandoned silver mine strewn with wrecked and twisted structures.
Carbondale, Colorado

Penny Hot Springs

A little-known hot spring haven right below the highway.
Durango, Colorado

Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad

This spectacular track has run continuously since 1882.
Aspen, Colorado

Maroon Bells

Despite being one of the most photographed vistas in the Rockies these twin peaks are rightfully known as the "Deadly Bells."
Trinidad, Colorado

Ludlow Massacre Site

The scene of one of the darkest moments in American labor history has been left essentially untouched since the tragedy.
Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

Gnome Road

A collection of fading fantasy tchotchkes lines this dirt road in the Colorado wilderness.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Old Gold Camp Road Tunnels

The haunted reputation of these abandoned Colorado train tunnels is probably not helped by the terrifying spiked fence.
Central City, Colorado

Nevadaville Ghost Town

This deserted Gold Rush town is home to a Masonic lodge that, strangely enough, still holds meetings.