strangeasang3ls's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Koblenz, Germany
Places visited in Hopkinton, Massachusetts
Places visited in Weston, Massachusetts
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Boston, Massachusetts

The First Church of Christ, Scientist

This impressive Boston holy house is the American mecca for Christian scientists.
Hull, Massachusetts

The Murder Holes of Fort Warren

Civil War-era Fort designed to withstand invasion and attack, with tricky traps called "murder holes."
Webster, Massachusetts

Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg

It's not a typo, now say it five times fast!
Concord, Massachusetts

The Wright Tavern

The Wright Tavern is possibly the most important building in Concord Massachusetts to the American Revolution.
Lincoln, Massachusetts

Paul Revere Capture Site

This location holds the truth to what truly happened that faithful night.
Marlborough, Massachusetts

Wayside Country Store

This general store near Boston was once owned by Henry Ford, who had it relocated to a different town using a team of oxen.
Harvard, Massachusetts

Fruitlands Museum

Utopia and nostalgia mingle at the site of Bronson Alcott's ill-fated agrarian commune.
Hopkinton, Massachusetts

'Spirit of the Marathon'

A monument to the winner of the 1946 Boston Marathon, Greek runner Stylianos Kyriakides.
Natick, Massachusetts

Henry Wilson Shoe Shop

A small, red building located along a state highway where the 18th Vice President made shoes in his youth.
Sudbury, Massachusetts

Wayside Inn

The oldest continuously-operated inn in the United States, once owned by Henry Ford.
West Boylston, Massachusetts

Old Stone Church

The only surviving building of historic West Boylston, which was flooded to create the Wachusett Reservoir.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Hotel Buckminster

This hotel was the site of major events in sports and radio history. It was also used as a detention center during World War II.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

The Brattle Theatre

One of the last remaining movie theatres in the country that features a rear-projection system.
Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts

Flying Horses Carousel

The oldest platform carousel built in the United States continues to delight children in Martha’s Vineyard.
Boston, Massachusetts

Harvard Bridge Smoot Measurements

In 1958, an MIT fraternity pledge laid down on this bridge and instituted a new, unique unit of measurement.
Petersham, Massachusetts

Town of Dana

All that remains of this Massachusetts town, demolished in the name of progress, is a stone marker.
Ware, Massachusetts

Quabbin Reservoir

The largest body of water in Massachusetts annihilated four small towns just to slake Boston's thirst.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Irish Famine Memorial

Dedicated to one of the darkest moments in Irish history.
Weston, Massachusetts

Norumbega Tower

This tower pays homage to a legendary Viking fort established in Massachusetts that never really existed.
Edgartown, Massachusetts

'Jaws' Bridge

The filming location of a shark attack in Steven Spielberg's famous shark movie.
Sutton, Massachusetts

Purgatory Chasm

This evocatively named natural crevasse was created by a torrent of water that smashed right through a granite deposit.
Adams, Massachusetts

Mount Greylock

Inspiring Herman Melville and Henry David Thoreau, Mount Greylock in western Massachusetts is the highest point in the state at 3,491 feet above sea level.
Danvers, Massachusetts

Salem Village Witchcraft Victims Memorial

Memorial of the Salem witchcraft hysteria in the town of Danvers, where it all began.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of the Boston Massacre

The American Revolution was galvanized into serious action due to the tragic clash with British soldiers that occurred at this location.