sweetcandee00's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Shoshone, Idaho

Shoshone Bird Museum of Natural History

Three generations of intrepid collectors display their curious artifacts in a homemade museum right next to the caves they discovered.
Kamiah, Idaho

Heart of the Monster

This landmark is a central figure in the Nez Perce origin story.
Wallace, Idaho

Pulaski Tunnel Trail

This trail leads to a mine that was used as a sanctuary during the Great Fire of 1910.
McCall, Idaho

B-23 'Dragon Bomber' Wreckage

The secluded site of a 1943 plane crash and amazing rescue is only accessible by hiking through the woods.
Coolin, Idaho

Eightmile Island

This historic Idaho island is home to a strange timeshare museum, a homemade mini-golf course, and an outhouse named Aunt Fanny.
Boise, Idaho

Freak Alley Gallery

The largest outdoor art gallery in the Northwest United States.
Melba, Idaho

Cleo's Ferry Museum and Nature Trail

Birdhouses, peacocks, animal sculptures, and a graveyard are all found along this eclectic nature trail.
Arco, Idaho

The Devil Boat

Supposedly Satanic numbers adorn this preserved submarine sail.
Leadore, Idaho

Birch Creek Charcoal Kilns

These century-old beehive-shaped kilns were built to produce charcoal for nearby mines.
Salmon, Idaho

Dugout Dick Memorial

An Idaho legend carved out a cave village with his own two hands.
Wallace, Idaho

Center of the Universe Manhole

The mayor made the declaration in 2004.
Boise, Idaho

The Basque Block

A small section of Boise, Idaho maintains the unique culture and traditions of the Basque people.
Post Falls, Idaho

Treaty Rock

A wild west land agreement was etched right onto this historic Idaho stone.
Nampa, Idaho

Map Rock

A petroglyph map of the upper Snake River carved by prehistoric hunter-gatherers.
Leadore, Idaho

Gilmore Ghost Town

A few dilapidated structures are all that remain of this deserted former silver mining town.
Boise, Idaho

Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Jail from the 19th century that was built by inmates.
Wallace, Idaho

Burke Ghost Town

A mining town, now abandoned, was built in a canyon so narrow that the railroad ran right through the hotel lobby.
Sun Valley, Idaho

Ernest Hemingway's Grave

Despite his legacy of work in Spain, Cuba, and Florida, the larger-than-life writer's grave is a simple affair tucked in an Idaho cemetery.
Coolin, Idaho

Lionhead Natural Water Slides

Natural rock water slides hidden in the remote forests of northern Idaho.
Cottonwood, Idaho

Dog Bark Park Inn

Sweet Willy, at 30 feet tall, is the world's biggest beagle.
Boise, Idaho

The Black Cliffs

These black pillars of volcanic basalt seem to call mountain climbers with an unbreakable siren song.
Blackfoot, Idaho

Idaho Potato Museum

This museum glorifies the humble potato.
Arco, Idaho

Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve

Home to the deepest rift anywhere on Earth.
Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming

Pronghorn of F.E. Warren Air Force Base

The same security that protects our nukes accidentally protected a gentle herd of antelope.