tatomagnotta's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Woodstock, New York

Overlook Mountain House Ruins

A once grand hotel is being retaken by the wilderness it once capitalized on.
Baltimore, Maryland

The American Visionary Art Museum

A museum dedicated to exhibiting remarkable outsider art.
Baker, Nevada

The Bristlecone Pines of the Great Basin

The longest living non-clonal organisms on Earth.
Vernal, Utah

Fantasy Canyon

Sandstone rock formations that look like they belong on the cover of a progressive rock album.
Cullowhee, North Carolina

Judaculla Rock

Mysterious ancient boulder carved with petroglyphs in the mountains of Western North Carolina.
New York, New York


A DIY art gallery/music venue/lecture hall dedicated to video game culture.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Found art has transformed this Pittsburgh neighborhood into a psychedelic dream.
Three Rivers, California

Glowing Millipedes of Sequoia National Park

These millipedes glow not out of attraction, but as a not-too-subtle warning.
Los Angeles, California

Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens

A spiritual retreat in the heart of Los Angeles offers stunning gardens and a labyrinth to lose yourself in.
Williston, Florida

Devil's Den

The scuba diving training facility was named for the steam that rises from the cave's chimney.
Chesterfield, New Hampshire

Madame Sherri's Castle

Ruins of the elaborate house where the enigmatic costume designer threw glamorous parties for New York's theatrical elite.
Louisville, Kentucky

Waverly Hills Sanatorium

This former tuberculosis research hospital endeavored to cure the dreaded disease with fresh air and positive attitudes.
Williamsburg, Kentucky

Cumberland Falls State Park

Moonbows over Kentucky.
Peach Springs, Arizona

Grand Canyon Caverns Underground Suite

One of the largest, oldest, darkest, quietest motel rooms in the world.
Staten Island, New York

The New York City Farm Colony

The haunting, dilapidated remains of a former poorhouse on Staten Island's Greenbelt.
Wilson, North Carolina

Whirligig Park (Formerly Acid Park)

A piece of outsider public art accompanied by a strange urban legend.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Tree of Life

This knobby, drooping New Orleans oak is a favorite place both for climbing and for meeting giraffes.
Boston, Massachusetts

Caffe Vittoria

The oldest Italian café in Boston, this spot also serves as a veritable museum of vintage coffee ephemera.
Hendersonville, North Carolina

Blue Ghost Fireflies

These eerie outliers of the lightning bug family glow a mysterious blue color.
Millbrook, Alabama

Spectre Set Ruins

The remains of an idyllic small town built for the film 'Big Fish' still stand around a rundown main street.
Rosamond, California

The Cat House

Exotic feline breeding compound and conservation center.
Seattle, Washington

Gum Wall

A wall of chewing gum moonlights as collective art.
St. Petersburg, Florida

Salvador Dalí Museum

Florida might be at its most surreal in this museum devoted to the famed Spanish artist.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle's Official Bad Art Museum of Art

Seattle's own bad art museum located inside Cafe Racer.