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Places visited in Bucksport, Maine
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Cologne, Germany

Papa Joe's Biersalon Klimperkasten

If the tunes of antique organs and musical marionettes don't intoxicate you, the draft beer certainly will.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Toy Museum

This collection of 20th-century toys is filled with a lifelong personal toy collection brought from the U.S. to Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Pijpencabinet (Amsterdam Pipe Museum)

This vast collection of smoking pipes from across the world spans centuries.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Cuypers Library

This gorgeous reading room houses the oldest and largest art history library in the Netherlands.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Little Woodcutter

This unattributed sculpture in Amsterdam is hiding in plain sight.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Aletta Henrïette Jacobs

This plaque marks the former home of one of the first women physicians in the Netherlands.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

In't Aepjen

This historic Amsterdam bar used to accept sailor's monkeys as payment.
North Adams, Massachusetts

Hoosac Tunnel

The railroad tunnel nicknamed the "Bloody Pit" for taking the lives of hundreds during its construction.
Northeast Harbor, Maine

Asticou Azalea Garden

East meets West in this Japanese-style garden featuring plants native to Maine’s Mount Desert Island.
Bar Harbor, Maine

Reis Education Canoe

The first handmade canoe built by members of the Passamaquoddy in over a century.
Roanoke, Virginia

Roanoke Star

Forget Hollywood, one of the biggest stars in the world can be found in Roanoke, Virginia.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

First Bank of the United States

Alexander Hamilton’s creation caused quite a bit of controversy.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Science History Institute

Instruments, apparatus, and rare books all relating to chemistry and its related sciences.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia's Moon Tree

A clone-tree in Washington Square Park sprung from seeds that went to the Moon and back.
Newport, Rhode Island

Touro Cemetery

The second oldest Jewish graveyard in the U.S. is tiny, with connections to George Washington and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Newport, Rhode Island

Newport Tower

Mysterious stone tower featured in many alternative histories of the New World.
Newport, Rhode Island

Cornè House

The home of the artist credited with introducing the tomato to the American diet.
Newport, Rhode Island

Location of the First Gas Street Lamp

A single light illuminates one man's overshadowed contributions to street lamp history.
Union, Connecticut

Traveler Restaurant

This small-town Connecticut restaurant gives each diner a free book from its vast library.
Cleveland, Ohio

World's Largest Rubber Stamp

Cleveland's giant "free" stamp is a nod to the Civil War, but was misinterpreted for years.
Cleveland, Ohio

Steamship William G. Mather

This steamer is known as "The ship that built Cleveland."
Cleveland Heights, Ohio

The Haserot Angel

The angel of death appears to weep black tears at this grave marker.
Miami, Florida

Monkey Jungle

Where monkeys run wild and the humans are caged.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Bancroft Tower

This miniature feudal castle was built on a whim to honor a US Navy pioneer.