thedeparture's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Kiama, Australia
Places visited in Davenport, Australia
Places visited in Mount Dandenong, Australia
Places visited in Dalat, Vietnam
Places visited in Kyaukse, Myanmar (Burma)
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Dakar, Senegal

African Renaissance Monument

This giant statue is the product of a mixture of corruption, Stalinist architecture, and North Korean manpower.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Eastern State Penitentiary

World's first "penitentiary," meant to be humane, drove men insane.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mütter Museum

America's most famous museum of medical oddities is home to the remains of Albert Einstein's brain.
Brooklyn, New York

Minerva Monument

A curious friendship between two inanimate ladies.
Thaton District, Myanmar (Burma)

Kyaiktiyo Pagoda

A precariously perched golden rock defies gravity and brings pilgrims from across Myanmar.
Bago, Myanmar (Burma)

Shwethalyaung Buddha of Bago

The second largest reclining Buddha in the world got "lost" for over 120 years.
Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)

Shwedagon Pagoda

This gem-encrusted temple is said to contain some of the Buddha's hair which can make the deaf hear and the blind see.
Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)

Shwenandaw Kyaung Temple

A grand example of 19th century Burmese teak architecture, and the most significant of Mandalay's historic buildings.
Min Kun, Myanmar (Burma)

The Mingun Pagoda and Bell

Gigantic unfinished stupa and the world's 2nd largest bell.
Nyaung-U, Myanmar (Burma)


Over 2,000 ancient temples dot the Myanmar landscape at the site of this famed archaeological site.
Kyaukse, Myanmar (Burma)

Snake Pagoda of Myanmar

These serpents are considered holy and pampered accordingly.
Sukawati, Indonesia

Goa Gajah

The name of this ancient Indonesian temple translates as "Elephant Cave" but it could be more accurately called "The Hellmouth."
Paris, France

Montparnasse Cemetery

A Parisian cemetery where the elite and artistic are interred beneath an eccentric collection of tombs.
Paris, France

Catacombes de Paris

The vast, legendary catacombs hold secrets much stranger than stacked bones.
Paris, France

Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (Museum of Hunting and Nature)

Dedicated to the art of hunting, with juxtapositions of contemporary art.
Paris, France

The Room of Endangered and Extinct Species

A haunting collection of the vanished and disappearing natural world.
Oxford, England

Pitt Rivers Museum

Ancient Egyptian wigs, South American feather headdresses, a bounty of anthropological artifacts in Oxford.
Brooklyn, New York

Morbid Anatomy Museum

A museum devoted to bringing to light forgotten or neglected histories through exhibitions, education and public programming.
New York, New York

Unicorn Tapestries at the Cloisters

Mysterious 500-year-old tapestries depict a unicorn hunt.