ThisBookIRed's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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The Colony, Texas

Barney Smith's Toilet Seat Art Museum

A master plumber has turned his love of art and toilets into a folk museum that's not taking the piss.
Custer, South Dakota

Crazy Horse Memorial

The world's largest mountain carving could fit all of Mount Rushmore inside it many times over.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Thunderhead Underground Falls

A waterfall 600 ft. inside a mountain, once the bane of gold miners, is now a spectacle of nature.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Chapel In The Hills

This replica stave church looks like a piece of Norway was simply plopped down in South Dakota.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Rapid City Presidents

Every president in history is immortalized in bronze in downtown Rapid City.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Firehouse Brewing Co.

South Dakota's oldest operating brewery is housed inside a historic firehouse.
Wall, South Dakota

Wall Drug

The granddaddy of all tourist traps, built on ice water, jackalopes, and a giant dinosaur.
Mitchell, South Dakota

The Corn Palace

A fitting attraction for the corn capital of the world.
Blue Earth, Minnesota

Jolly Green Giant Statue

This massive roadside mascot was the first version of the giant to illustrate his butt.
Corona, South Dakota

Big Stone Lake

The lowest point in South Dakota and the source of the Minnesota River.
Bloomington, Minnesota

The Mall of America

Equal parts record-breaking temple to consumerism and bizarre fun park, it's more than you think it is...
Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Curator's Office

A Borgesian work of art that may blur the line between fiction and reality a little too convincingly.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Stone Arch Bridge

The only arched bridge made of stone on the entire Mississippi River.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Spoonbridge and Cherry

A toweringly silly piece of modern art has been delighting locals since the 1980s.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Mary Tyler Moore Statue

A bronze statue on a downtown corner honors Minneapolis's favorite career gal.