tpalange33's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Alderson, West Virginia

Alderson Academy

This abandoned school has had many lives since the early 1900s, and all of them doomed.
Hildebran, North Carolina

Abandoned Henry River Mill Village

An abandoned village that doubled as "The Hunger Games"' post-apocalyptic wasteland is up for grabs.
Sanford, North Carolina

Old Carbonton Dam

An eerily abandoned stone tower is all that remains of a demolished dam on Cape Fear River.
Concord, North Carolina

The Stonewall Jackson Manual Training and Industrial School

The cruel trial of a 13-year-old boy inspired the creation of this now abandoned reformatory.
Maxton, North Carolina

Laurinburg-Maxton Aircraft Boneyard

This airfield is home to a number of retired vintage planes in various states of disrepair.
Littleton, North Carolina

Cryptozoology & Paranormal Museum

Bigfoot prints, Feejee mermaids, and haunted dolls on display in a tiny North Carolina town.
Rougemont, North Carolina

Castle Mont Rouge

A sculptor's dream castle turned fantastical ruin.
Raleigh, North Carolina

Cloud Chamber for the Trees and Sky

This woodland architectural installation acts as a camera obscura for the heavens.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Abandoned Dome House

Rotting dome home spotted near Chapel Hill, North Carolina.