Twinshipps's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lawrenceburg, Tennessee

James David Vaughn Grave

The final resting place of the man who started Southern Gospel Music.
Jamestown, Tennessee

Mark Twain Spring Park

It's believed the famed author's parents once used this spring to gather water.
Nashville, Tennessee

Jamaicaway Restaurant and Catering

Feast on Caribbean classics from curry goat to black cake.
Sewanee, Tennessee

Sewanee Natural Bridge

A natural sandstone bridge hidden in the Sewanee forest.
Memphis, Tennessee

Isaac Hayes's Gold-Plated Cadillac

The bad-ass ride of a soul legend, housed in one of the world's few soul museums.
Pikeville, Tennessee

Fall Creek Falls State Park

Labor provided by Great Depression-era programs restored these 25,000 acres in Tennessee.
Lookout Mountain, Tennessee

Lookout Mountain Incline Railway

This funicular railway rumbles along for a mile up the nearly vertical face of Chattanooga’s Lookout Mountain.
Memphis, Tennessee

Peabody Hotel Duck March

Every day a troupe of pampered water fowl walk the red carpet to their favorite fountain.
Nashville, Tennessee

Hatch Show Print

At 135 years old and counting, this historic print shop is heaven for poster nerds and music buffs.