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Paris, France

Chapelle Notre Dame de la Medaille Miraculeuse

A popular shrine where the Blessed Virgin allegedly appeared in 1830, displaying a holy armchair and two incorruptible remains of Lady Saints.
Giverny, France

Claude Monet House and Gardens

At Monet's beloved home you can still see the Japanese bridge, waterlilies, and weeping willows that were the subjects of some of his most iconic paintings.
Carcassonne, France

La Cité Médiévale de Carcassonne

Historic medieval fortified city in southwest France.
Paris, France

Cabinet of Joseph Bonnier de La Mosson

Hidden away in a modern library are the remains of one of the 18th century's most celebrated wunderkammers.
Paris, France

The Heart of Voltaire

In the best of all possible worlds, everyone will get a chance to see this statue in which Voltaire's heart is interred.
Paris, France

The Last Original Standard Metre

An overlooked marble is the only surviving in-place 18th century example of the measurement that changed how we define distance.
Paris, France

Le Musee des Moulages

A unrivaled and rather horrifying collection of wax dermatological models.
Paris, France

Rue Crémieux

This charming cobbled backstreet is the most Instagramable street in Paris, much to the residents' annoyance.
Paris, France

Musée d'Anatomie Delmas-Orfila-Rouvière

The largest medical and anatomical collection in France lies hidden from the public.
Paris, France

Harry's New York Bar

A favorite Paris bar for U.S. expats, including Gershwin, Hemingway, and James Bond.
Paris, France

Deyrolle Taxidermy

Paris' fabled purveyor of exotic taxidermy and natural history curios.
Paris, France

Musée de Cluny

Medieval museum built over Roman baths that features famous tapestries of a lady and a unicorn.
Paris, France

Statue of Death of the University of Medicine

Statue of death tucked in the University of Medicine courtyard.
Paris, France

Montparnasse Cemetery

A Parisian cemetery where the elite and artistic are interred beneath an eccentric collection of tombs.
Paris, France

Au Bonheur du Jour

Behind the pink curtain, Au Bonheur du Jour, an art gallery of erotic archives.
Paris, France

Foucault's Pendulum

19th century pendulum and a clock restored by a rogue group of guerilla artists.
Paris, France

Musee de la Magie

A museum of magic with a Sadist past.
Paris, France

Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France)

This massive library holds what was once the largest book collection in the world.
Paris, France

Montmartre Cemetery

A horde of stray cats rule in this secluded Parisian cemetery under a bridge.
Paris, France

Shakespeare and Company

This iconic Parisian bookstore doubles as the "Tumbleweed Hotel" for traveling writers.
Moffat, Scotland

The Moffat Ram

“It has nae lugs!”
Craighat, Scotland

Devil's Pulpit

A strange rock with a sinister reputation lurks within the crimson waters of this Scottish glen.
Dunblane, Scotland

Leighton Library

The oldest library in Scotland was built from the remains of a church to hold a churchman's library.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Wallabies of Inchconnachan

An eccentric aristocrat brought these Australian natives to their current Scottish home.