washcat's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Denver, Colorado

Mile-High Steps at the Colorado State Capitol

The spot in the Mile-High City that's exactly 5,280 feet above sea level (at least for now).
Gun Bay, Cayman Islands

Wreck of the Ten Sail

A massive maritime collision may have led to the myth of a resort island's strange financial status.
New York, New York

Roosevelt Island Tramway

One of only two commuter aerial tramways in the United States.
New York, New York

The High Line

Elevated freight railway turned wildly successful urban park.
Miami, Florida

Monkey Jungle

Where monkeys run wild and the humans are caged.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Sign

Hollywood's most famous landmark, the "temporary" sign that has stood for decades longer than intended.
Los Angeles, California

The Tonga Hut

Though tiki culture has gone in and out of fashion, the Tonga Hut has always been flying the flag in Los Angeles.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Mai-Kai Restaurant

When you can't get to the Pacific, just go to Florida.
Mecca, California

Salton Sea

The ghostly remains of an accidental sea.
Calipatria, California

Calipatria Flagpole

Erroneously called the world's tallest flagpole, this landmark is devoted to "good neighborliness."
Bombay Beach, California

Bombay Beach

Version of the French Riviera destroyed by the sea.
Calipatria, California

Slab City

This abandoned Navy base was transformed into an off-grid alternative living community for thousands of people.
Calipatria, California

Salvation Mountain

A hand-built folk art installation covered with messages of God's love.
San Francisco, California

Palace of Fine Arts

The last remaining relic of San Francisco's glittering 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition.
San Francisco, California

Paxton Gate

A shop full of natural curiosities, carnivorous plants, and costumed taxidermied mice.
San Francisco, California

The Golden Fire Hydrant

The miraculous hydrant that saved the Mission District in 1906.
San Francisco, California

Ruins of the Sutro Baths

The seawater playground of gilded-era San Francisco burned to the ground in 1966.
San Francisco, California


San Francisco's newly reopened hands-on science museum.
San Francisco, California

Japanese Tea Garden

Relics of the 1894 Midwinter Exposition continue to delight visitors today.
San Francisco, California

Loved to Death

This shop specializes in oddities and Victorian-inspired wonders.
Bridgeport, California

Bodie State Historic Park

Standing in a state of "arrested decay," this ghost town allows for a detailed peek into Gold Rush life in an unusually harsh climate.
Los Angeles, California

Synchronicity Space

An enchanted arts space which assumes infinite identities.
Los Angeles, California

St. Vincent Court

A faux European lane smack dab in downtown L.A.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Resting place of Hollywood's immortals is also site of summer film screenings.