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New York, New York

Stickball Hall of Fame

Depression-era fun lives on in this Harlem museum dedicated to the sport of the street.
New York, New York

Rivers Cosmogram

A memorial marks the library lobby where Langston Hughes' ashes are buried.
New York, New York

Fliers and Explorers Globe

A prized globe signed by Amelia Earhart and Charles Lindbergh sits in the Brooklyn office of the American Geographical Society.
New York, New York

Strecker Memorial Laboratory

Site of the first pathological and bacteriological research facility in the United States.
New York, New York

NYC Barber Museum

This nostalgic blast from the grooming past is also a working barbershop.
New York, New York

Museum of American Finance

Ever wanted the laymen's version of your credit card fine print?
New York, New York

African Burial Ground National Monument

This memorial honors thousands of enslaved Africans and their descendants who died in colonial New York.
New York, New York

Hispanic Society Museum and Library

This Manhattan museum houses one of the largest collections of Spanish art and manuscripts outside of Spain.
New York, New York

American Numismatic Society

Play heads or tails with thousands of different coins.
New York, New York

U.N. Delegates Dining Room

You don't have to be an ambassador to dine like one.
New York, New York

New York City Fire Museum

A museum collection honoring the long history of the FDNY is held in a disused Manhattan fire house.
New York, New York

Zaragoza Mexican Deli and Grocery

Behind a grungy bodega facade, a Poblano family serves rich, home-cooked meals.
New York, New York

Gay Liberation

The first piece of public art dedicated to LGBT rights.
New York, New York

The American Kennel Club Museum of the Dog

An extensive collection of fine art devoted to man's best friend.
New York, New York

Norwegian Seamen's Church

Come for the waffles, stay for more waffles.
New York, New York


A notorious punk house turned co-op.
New York, New York

Bluestockings Bookstore

New York City's only radical feminist independent bookstore.
New York, New York

The Location of Paul's Boutique

The iconic Manhattan corner that was once the site of the Beastie Boys' fake clothing store.
New York, New York

The Brown Building

The site of the deadly Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.
New York, New York

Site of New York Slave Market

Where now stands a 42-story condominium tower of marble, glass and steel was once the central market of New York’s slave trade.
New York, New York

Poster House Museum

The first museum in the United States dedicated entirely to posters.
New York, New York

Giant Needle and Button

There must be a pun in this haystack somewhere...
New York, New York

Russian and Turkish Baths Cafe

Have a steam and some blini at this cafe in a century-old bathhouse.
New York, New York

Roosevelt Island Octagon Tower

A former insane asylum despised by Nelly Bly and Charles Dickens is now fashionable apartments.