arsenm's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Yekaterinburg, Russia
Places visited in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Places added to Saint Petersburg, Russia
Places visited in Russia
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Places visited in Pune, India
Places visited in Panaji, India
Places visited in Sonoma, California
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Milton Keynes, England

Bletchley Park

Home to Alan Turing, the cracking of the Enigma code, and Captain Ridley's shooting party.
Oxford, England

Another Time II

Hidden in plain sight, this creepy sculpture watches from above.
Oxford, England

Oxford Electric Bell

This battery powered bell has been ringing since 1840 and is one of the worlds longest running science experiments.
London, England

Stompie: The Mandela Way T-34 Tank

An abandoned tank sits in an empty London lot as a symbolic middle finger to local city planners.
London, England

The Real Greenwich Prime Meridian

Thanks to modern navigational tools we now know that the true prime meridian runs through a park next door.
London, England

Container City

Putting the "mod" in "modular" since 2000.
London, England

Greenwich Foot Tunnel

A 1,215-foot tunnel transports pedestrians beneath the River Thames.
London, England

Traffic Light Tree

A student driver's nightmare.
London, England

London's Original and All-Inspiring Coffee House

The site of London's first coffee house has been serving refreshments of one kind or another for 360 years.
London, England

Temple of Mithras

Rebuilt remains of a temple to Roman god Mithras.
London, England

Michael Faraday's Laboratory

The lab where the scientist made his groundbreaking discoveries is preserved on the basement floor of the Faraday Museum.
London, England

Twinings Tea Shop

A 300-year-old tea shop that brought tea to the English people, not to mention the Queen herself.
Laconia, New Hampshire

American Classic Arcade Museum

The largest arcade museum in the world chronicles the golden age of video games which ended promptly in 1987.
Verona, Italy

Juliet's Balcony

Pilgrimage site for star-crossed lovers.
Pisa, Italy

Guy Rope Anchors for the Leaning Tower of Pisa

The only visible reminders of an elaborate engineering project that kept the tower from reaching the tipping point.
Florence, Italy

Gipsoteca Bartolini

A slightly creepy gallery of plaster cast models in the same museum as Michelangelo's David.
Florence, Italy

Il Porcellino

This bronze boar's snout has been rubbed to a golden sheen by visitors seeking good fortune.
Florence, Italy

Galileo's Middle Finger

The middle finger of modernity.
Venice, Italy

Giant Hands of Venice’s Grand Canal

A new sculpture calls attention to climate change in the centuries-old city it threatens.
Venice, Italy

The Flooded Crypt of San Zaccaria

As can be expected from a centuries old church built in a canal city, the undercroft of this house of worship is beautifully flooded.
Istanbul, Turkey

Basilica Cisterns of Istanbul

A marvel of Byzantine engineering under the streets of Istanbul.
Milan, Italy

Horned Madonna of Portinari Chapel

The odd depiction of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus is rooted in the Catholic Church's eradication of Catharism.
Milan, Italy

Loggia dei Mercanti Whispering Gallery

The secret medieval communication system will whisk your words above the noise of the crowd.
Milan, Italy

Santa Maria presso San Satiro

Small on the outside, big on the inside, this church is an astonishing act of visual deception.