WhereWouldHuellGo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

The El Segundo Butterfly Preserve

A ghost town at the airport is now a refuge for blue butterflies.
Culver City, California

The Wende Museum

Home to secret Eastern Bloc spy equipment and the largest stretch of the original Berlin Wall outside of Germany.
Los Angeles, California

'Remnal of a Senging Chave'

Behind legendary Meltdown Comics is a marker for an engineered musical roadway of the Tehachapi, the great road builders of Kcymaerxthaere.
Manhattan Beach, California

Light Gate

The sun acts as a key that only fits this giant keyhole twice a year.
Los Angeles, California

Walt Disney's Carolwood Barn

The famous animator's private station house and man-cave was the birthplace of imagineering.
West Hollywood, California

Redd Foxx Walk Of Fame

An informal walk of fame in front of a Hollywood office building remembers a comedic great and his associates.
Los Angeles, California

No Vacancy

A prohibition-style speakeasy takes up residence in the last Victorian residence in Hollywood.
Los Angeles, California

Petersen Automotive Vault

Once strictly off-limits, this lower level housing curious and priceless vehicles of the Petersen Automotive Museum is now open to the public.
Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles Fire Department Museum

Formerly Fire Station No. 27, the museum is a hidden gem in the heart of Hollywood.
Los Angeles, California

Toto Canine Movie Star Memorial Marker

Because there's no place like home.
Los Angeles, California

Old Zoo Picnic Area

The abandoned zoo enclosures offer a perfect place to experience the other side of the bars.
Los Angeles, California

Fire Survivors of the Griffith Park Merry-Go-Round

Three vintage horses survived a 1976 inferno and found a home on a sister carousel.
Los Angeles, California

Ennis House

This weird abode has inspired everything from the "House On Haunted Hil" to a robot hunter's pad.
Glendale, California

Museum of Neon Art

A one-of-a-kind collection of a unique medium.
Los Angeles, California

Café Jack

A "Titanic" superfan changed his name to Jack and set up this strange shrine to the blockbuster, complete with Korean food and Tarot readings.
La Cañada Flintridge, California

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NASA's leading space science lab started by a co-founder with deep ties to the occult.
Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles Breakfast Club

Friendships have been forged over ham and eggs every Wednesday morning for nearly a century.
Glendale, California

Forest Lawn Cemetery

An extraordinary final resting place full of oversized art, amazing statues, and dead celebrities.
Los Angeles, California

Chandelier Tree

Dozens of lights dangle from the branches of what may be the brightest tree in Los Angeles.
Altadena, California

Zorthian Ranch

The cobbled together compound of a deceased artist which now serves as a filming location.
Mount Baldy, California

Bridge to Nowhere

Abandoned bridge hidden deep in the San Gabriel Mountains.
Los Angeles, California

Brown Derby

Outposts of this restaurant chain were shaped like jaunty chapeaus.
Pasadena, California

Mount Wilson Observatory

This former stomping grounds of the most eminent astronomers of the early 20th century.
Altadena, California

The Bunny Museum

"The Hoppiest Place in the World" holds the world’s largest collection of bunny memorabilia and is a singular testament of a couple's devotion to all things Leporidae.