wtchfndr's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Waterford, Connecticut

Seaside Sanatorium

Ruins of a historic medical facility sits eerily by the water.
Arvada, Colorado

Cold War Horse

A stark reminder of the huge nuclear weapons plant that once stood on the site and its effect on the surrounding area.
Crownsville, Maryland

Crownsville Hospital Center

This former asylum for Black Americans is haunted by its history of violence and racism.
Junction City, Kansas

Atomic Annie

Cannon designed to fire an atomic warhead.
Traverse City, Michigan

Tunnels of Traverse City State Hospital

A subterranean world of tunnels links several buildings of this rare 19th-century asylum.
Smyrna, New York

Wolf Mountain Nature Center

See wolves, coyotes, and arctic foxes in a natural environment smack in the middle of New York State.
Chicago, Illinois

DANK Haus German American Cultural Center

You can take a class, browse the library, or visit the lavish lair of an international men's humor society.
Providence, Rhode Island

Fleur-De-Lys Studio

An architectural statement of artistic intent smack in the middle of Providence, Rhode Island's Colonial uniformity.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Monument Lightning Rod

The monument's pointy aluminum tip has been melted down by repeated lightning strikes.
Fort Meade, Maryland

Architect of the Capitol Archival Warehouse

A remote horde of architectural treasures fit for Indiana Jones.
New York, New York

Cathedral Peacock Hutch

A Gothic-style abode built to accommodate the church's three resident peacocks.
Nye County, Nevada

Atomic Bank Vault

The contents of this safe survived a 37-kiloton nuclear bomb.
Pasadena, California

St. Andrew's Church Murals

The artwork that Italians felt California didn't deserve.
Kansas City, Missouri

The Holy Finger of Kansas City

A piece of John the Baptist in the American heartland.
Washington, D.C.

Holodomor Memorial

An easily overlooked memorial to a Ukrainian famine-genocide that killed over 4 million people.
Bellvue, Colorado

B-17 Bomber Crash Site

The wreckage of a World War II bomber is hidden high in the Colorado wilderness.
Bath Township, Michigan

Bath School Massacre Memorial

A park and memorial dedicated to the victims of the deadliest school massacre in American history.
Washington, D.C.

Capitol Tile Room

In the basement of the U.S. Capitol Building is a hidden storage room full of ornate floor tiles leftover from the 1850s.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Steelcase Pyramid

One lonely, modern pyramid has gone from corporate think tank to deserted boondoggle.
Newport, Rhode Island

Carey Mansion

This Rhode Island mansion was a stand-in for the exteriors of Collinwood in the original "Dark Shadows" series.
Queens, New York

Bayside Cemetery

One of the oldest Jewish cemeteries in the city, it is now overgrown with an urban forest.
Chicago, Illinois

Zion Evangelical Lutheran 'Ghost Church'

One-of-a-kind preserved ruins of an abandoned 1880s church in Chicago's Pilsen neighborhood.
Cleveland, Ohio

St. Theodosius Cathedral

This Czar-funded, onion-domed, lavishly muraled Orthodox Church played a starring role in "The Deer Hunter."
Los Angeles, California

Marciano Art Foundation

A long-vacant Scottish Rite temple in Hollywood has been converted into an art museum filled with Masonic relics.