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Places visited in Folsom, California
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Sacramento, California

Sacramento Locomotive Works

This 19th century train workshop is a treasure trove of railroad history.
West Sacramento, California

I Street Bridge

I Street Bridge is the heaviest swinging center bridge in the United States.
Sacramento, California

Eagle Theatre

A replica of the first public theater built in California.
Sacramento, California

Sacramento's Original Street Level

The California capital city once stood 10 feet lower than it does today.
Sacramento, California

Tower Bridge

Art Deco stylings conceal the true nature of this bridge.
Sacramento, California

Patty Reed's Doll

A tiny survivor of the Donner Party disaster.
Sacramento, California

Museum of Medical History Sacramento

A fascinating and comprehensive look at the evolution of medical practice in the Sacramento Valley since the mid-1800s.
Sacramento, California

Corti Brothers Grocery

The last of a gourmet supermarket chain, this store helped spark California's Food Revolution.
Folsom, California

Folsom Prison Museum

This museum looks at the history of one of America's most famous prisons and most beloved albums.
Folsom, California

Mormon Island

This former boomtown "island" is now submerged below Folsom Lake.
Auburn, California

The Statues of Ken Fox

Dentist's hated concrete colossi are now beloved icons of the community.
Coloma, California

James Marshall Monument

His discovery kicked off the Gold Rush. One of the hands on this commemorative statue points to the spot where he found the precious metal.
Palo Alto, California

The Frenchman's Tower

This odd California folly seems like it was almost designed to accumulate urban legends.
Portola Valley, California

Alpine Inn

The Internet Age began with a transmission from this biker bar.
Folsom, California

The Folsom Powerhouse

This 19th century hydroelectric powerhouse was the first of its kind.
Auburn, California

Foresthill Bridge

The tallest bridge in California was constructed for a project that was eventually cancelled.
Placerville, California

Gothic Rose Antiques & Curiosities

Eclectic collection of dark and macabre antiques.
Rio Vista, California

Foster's Big Horn

Over 300 taxidermied animals in a Californian restaurant make for a taxidermist's dream and an animal lover's nightmare.
Davis, California

Davis Toad Tunnel

Special tunnels built so that frogs won't be killed when crossing the highway.
Davis, California

Solar Intersections

Outsider art or homage to aliens?
Davis, California

Same Sun

On the summer solstice each year, shadows align with a 14,000 square foot painting to reveal a secret message.
Vacaville, California

Consolidated Rock & Minerals: The Rock Shop

A huge collection of rocks, gems, and crystals.
Merced, California

George Hicks Fancher Monument

The huge granite obelisk that towers over a small California town.
Walnut Grove, California

Locke Historic District

The only standing town in the United States that early Chinese Americans built for themselves.