ximocas's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Colares, Portugal
Places visited in Anstruther, Scotland
Places visited in Eyemouth, Scotland
Places visited in Outer Hebrides, Scotland
Places visited in Port Charlotte, Scotland
Places visited in Inverkeithing, Scotland
Places visited in Bowmore, Scotland
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Chefchaouen, Morocco


Founded as a refugee camp, now a popular tourist spot.
Montignac, France

Cave of Lascaux

Ancient paintings known as the "Sistine Chapel of Cave Art."
Padirac, France

Le Gouffre de Padirac (Padirac Cave)

This impressive chasm is one of the longest natural underground cavities in the world.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Royal Observatory Edinburgh

Even though some of the buildings date back to the Victorian era, this research institute is still involved in cutting-edge astronomy research.
Portnahaven, Scotland

Portnahaven Church

According to local legend, this church was built with two doors, so that residents of two rival villages had their own entrances.
Banavie, Scotland

Neptune's Staircase

The longest staircase lock in Britain.
Cupar, Scotland

Covenanter's Grave

Beneath this headstone lie the severed body parts of three individuals who were caught up in a bloody period of Scottish history.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow Cathedral Graffiti

An 18th-century religious argument etched into stone.
Culross, Scotland

Cobblestone Footpath

The raised stones in the middle of this road through Culross are relics of a 17th-century class divide.
Edinburgh, Scotland

St. Triduana's Chapel

This unusual 15th-century house of worship once catered to those who sought its healing properties.
Eyemouth, Scotland

Cholera Monument

A watchhouse constructed from tombstones, to make way for a burial pit, for the victims succumbing to a deadly disease.
Rome, Italy

Via Appia

2300-year-old Roman road connecting the empire.
Florence, Italy

Bronze Replica of Michelangelo’s David

A copy of the famous statue can be found in this Florence piazza, along with one of the most breathtaking views of the city below.
Florence, Italy

Cimitero delle Porte Sante (Sacred Doors Cemetery)

The graveyard is filled with beautiful funerary art and boasts breathtaking views of Florence.
Florence, Italy

Vasari Corridor

This private skyway is filled with art and was expanded explicitly so that Hitler could appreciate a river.
Florence, Italy

Babae Wine Window

Drink wine handed out through a window as part of an age-old tradition.
Bologna, Italy

Statue of Pope Gregory XIII

A large statue of Pope Gregory XIII in Bologna was disguised as Saint Petronius to avoid destruction.
Bologna, Italy

Fountain of Neptune

Legend has it this fountain built to symbolize the Pope’s power hides a strange secret concerning Neptune's manliness.
Bologna, Italy

Finestrella di Via Piella

A small window on Via Piella offers a lovely and rare peek at Bologna's lost canals.
Bologna, Italy

The Three Arrows

Stuck in the arcade of Casa Isolani are three arrows of mysterious origins.
Bologna, Italy

The Demon of Palazzo Salina

This building features dozens of faces along its facade, although one is a bit chilling.
Rome, Italy

Domus Aurea

The engineering wonder and pleasure dome of a much-maligned emperor still holds undiscovered secrets.
Rome, Italy

Stumbling Stones of Rome

Brass cobblestones mark the places where individual Holocaust victims were taken from their homes.
Rome, Italy

San Nicola in Carcere

This small church was constructed over the ruins of three temples dating to the Roman Republic.