Yoshimi's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Manduri, Brazil

The Capuchin Monkeys of Manduri

In the Manduri reserve of Sao Paulo, you can see the endangered black-horned capuchin monkey up close.
Caxias do Sul, Brazil

Caxias do Sul Dog Favela

A puppy slum that protects canines from the cruelties of the human slums.
Boca do Acre, Brazil

Boca do Acre

Hub for hallucinogenic Amazon religion.
São Paulo, Brazil

Butantan Snake Institute

A snake farm famous for its venemous varieties.
São Paulo, Brazil

Parque Trianon

This park feels like a lush little jungle full of wildlife nestled within São Paulo.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ilha Fiscal

This Brazilian palace island was once the site of the last grand ball before revolution.
Manaus, Brazil

Teatro Amazonas in Manaus

A beautiful opera house in the heart of Amazonia has recently restarted performances after a 90-year hiatus.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences

This Brazilian astronomy museum allows guests to gaze at the stars through their telescopes each weekend.
Itaguaí, Brazil

Cidade Albanoel

An abandoned Santa park is as far as this proposed theme park kingdom got toward completion.
São Paulo, Brazil

Museu da Tatuagem de São Paulo

Brazil's only museum dedicated to the art and evolution of tattoos.
Aquiraz, Brazil

Insano Body Slide

From 135 feet high riders plunge down the world's tallest freestanding body slide at 65 mph.
Ubatuba, Brazil

Anchieta Island Correctional Institute

The ruins of this Brazilian island prison still bear the scars of the bloody rebellion that closed it down.
São Roque de Minas, Brazil

Giant Anteaters of Serra da Canastra

This breathtaking national park is one of the best places to see the weird and wonderful giant anteater in the wild.
Niterói, Brazil

Niterói Contemporary Art Museum

An art museum with an eclectic design and a scandalous past.
Nova Redenção, Brazil

Poço Azul (Blue Pool)

Deep below the dry landscape of Bahia, a cave with intense blue water to float in.
Catas Altas, Brazil

Maned Wolves of Santuário do Caraça

This neo-Gothic monastery offers a rare chance to witness the unique maned wolf right up close.
Chaves, Brazil

Victoria Amazonica

Queen of the waterlilies, so big and strong it can support the weight of a human.
Santa Terezinha, Brazil

Chapada das Mesas National Park

High plateaus and beautiful waterfalls frame this ecologically significant nature preserve.

Snake Island (Ilha da Queimada Grande)

Off-limits and full of venomous pit vipers, Brazil’s Snake Island has a frighteningly apt nickname.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Cemitério São João Batista

Try not to get lost in this picturesque Brazilian labyrinth of the dead.
São Paulo, Brazil

Livraria da Vila

The bookstore with bookshelves built into unlikely places.
Brumadinho, Brazil

Inhotim Museum

The largest open-air contemporary art center in Latin America is a unique experience in the Atlantic Forest.
Santo Amaro do Maranhão, Brazil

Lençóis Maranhenses Dunes

A faux desert landscape in the middle of the jungle that sprouts oases during the rainy season.
Parnamirim, Brazil

World's Largest Cashew Tree

You feel like you're in a forest, but you're actually walking amidst the branches and trunks of a single giant tree.