YVR cockroach's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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YVR cockroach's activity rankings
Places visited in Springdale, Utah
Places edited in La Rochelle, France
Places visited in San Simeon, California
Places visited in French Polynesia
Places visited in Viñales, Cuba
Places visited in Xagħra, Malta
Places visited in Kyaukse, Myanmar (Burma)
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Lightning Ridge, Australia

Lightning Ridge Artesian Bore Baths

On the outskirts of an opal-mining town, these baths fed by a massive underground aquifer are a natural spa.
Castelsardo, Italy

Roccia dell'Elefante (Elephant's Rock)

This weird, elephant-shaped rock also hosts two ancient tombs.
Banff, Alberta

Cave and Basin National Historic Site

The natural hot spring that was integral to the creation of Canada's first national park.
Montpellier, France

Promenade du Peyrou

This plaza is home to a number of works, including Montpellier‘s own Arc de Triomphe.
Galle, Sri Lanka

Galle Fort

This fort dates back to 1588 and was colonized by the Portuguese, Dutch, and English and sits prominently on the Indian Ocean where azure water lap the coast.
Helfaut, France

La Coupole

This bunker in northern France was built by Nazi German forces with the intention of launching up to 50 V2 rockets at London each day.
Kecamatan Prambanan, Indonesia


This massive complex is made up of hundreds of smaller temples that date back to the ninth century.
Incline Village, Nevada

The Flume Trail

A breathtaking 19th-century trail overlooks Lake Tahoe.
Henrieville, Utah

Kodachrome Basin Spires

This quiet park's strange sedimentary spires were named after Kodak's color film.
Rome, Italy

Mercatus Traiani (Trajan's Market)

This ancient market is often referred to as the oldest shopping mall in the world.
Milan, Italy

Monumental Cemetery of Milan

Artistic tombs, monuments, and a beautiful "Hall of Fame" lurk inside this cemetery.
Lefkoşa, Cyprus

Büyük Han

The largest caravanserai in Cyprus also includes amazing examples of Ottoman architecture.
Rome, Italy

Temple of Hercules Victor

This curious, round temple is the oldest still-standing marble building in Rome.
Afton, Wyoming

World's Largest Elkhorn Arch

This town is home to the world’s largest arch constructed entirely of elk antlers.
Codrongianos, Italy

Church of the Holy Trinity

A striped 12th-century basilica sits in the countryside of Sardinia.
Cervantes, Australia

Lake Thetis

One of the few places in the world home to living stromatolites.
Mainz, Germany

The Chagall Windows of St. Stephan’s

A famed artist's inspiring work of peace and tolerance.
Santa Venere, Italy

Temple of Hera II

Also known as the Temple of Poseidon, this is one of the best-preserved Greek temples in the world.
Squamish, British Columbia

Stawamus Chief

As you overlook the Howe Sound and the town of Squamish, your breath will be taken away by its beauty or the stairs... probably all the stairs.
Victoria, British Columbia

Hatley Castle

This castle was once considered as an option for the Royal Family's alternate residence, but you may know it better from the 'X-Men' movie.
Pula, Croatia

Pula Arena

One of the best-preserved Roman amphitheaters is still used today, but for less brutal events.
Matera, Italy

Sassi di Matera

People have been living in the cave houses on this Italian hillside since the Neolithic era.
Verona, Italy

Juliet's Balcony

Pilgrimage site for star-crossed lovers.
Trinidad, Cuba

The Manaca Iznaga Tower

An old slave lookout in Cuba's historic sugar cane fields.