Zesra's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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North Charleston, South Carolina

HL Hunley Submarine

This recently rediscovered Civil War-era submarine was the first to ever sink an enemy ship.
Bishopville, South Carolina

Pearl Fryar Topiary Garden

One man's extraordinary topiary garden in a small South Carolina town.
Cleveland, South Carolina

Devils Kitchen at Caesars Head State Park

According to local lore, this narrow passageway through two large rocks was accidentally created by the devil himself.
Bowman, South Carolina

UFO Welcome Center

This set of rickety spaceships are prepared to give alien travelers a place to relax and go to the bathroom.
San Francisco, California

The Wave Organ

A huge musical instrument played by the ocean.
Dickeyville, Wisconsin

The Dickeyville Grotto

A tribute to the twin ideals of religion and patriotism, built by a Catholic priest from rocks, glass, and innumerable found items.
Maquoketa, Iowa

Maquoketa Caves State Park

A wonderland of caves in eastern Iowa.
Dubuque, Iowa

Crystal Lake Cave

An underground wonderland in Iowa.
Spillville, Iowa

Bily Clocks Museum

Elaborate hand-carved wooden clocks two brothers made in their spare time are on display at this handsome little museum.
Eldon, Iowa

American Gothic House

Home with Gothic windows featured in a famous painting.
West Bend, Iowa

Father Paul Dobberstein's Grotto of the Redemption

A four story, football field-sized, nine-grotto creation made of shells, minerals, and rare stones.
Madrid, Iowa

High Trestle Trail Bridge

A half-mile long and three stories high, this bridge over the Des Moines River Valley mimics a descent into a mine shaft.
New York, New York

The Evolution Store

A terrific purveyor of natural history objects and curios.
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

Witches Gulch

Over thousands of years, this slot canyon was carved out of the bed of an ancient lake.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Mitchell Park Domes

A unique botanical garden housed in three giant geodesic domes.
Sister Bay, Wisconsin

Al Johnson’s Swedish Restaurant

Restaurant in Northern Wisconsin comes with a unique feature: a grassy roof covered in living goats.
Washington, Wisconsin

Washington Island Stave Church

Vikings and Evangelicals have both had a hand in this replica medieval church.
Chicago, Illinois

Narwhals at the Field Museum

To find the "unicorns of the deep" you've got to go downstairs.
Chicago, Illinois

Hidden Egyptian Temple in Field Museum Break Room

Years of archaeology, just chillin' by the water cooler.
Chicago, Illinois

Tsavo Man Eaters

These pretty kitties killed and ate as many as 135 railway workers.
Chicago, Illinois

Tiffany Dome

This massive stained-glass masterpiece is thought to be the largest Tiffany dome in existence.
Chicago, Illinois

Wabash Arts Corridor

An outdoor urban gallery of large-scale artworks by the world's most influential street artists.
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

Lost Canyon

This steep-walled ravine contains animal-shaped formations made from sandstone.
Sumpter, Wisconsin

Dr. Evermor's Forevertron

"World's largest scrap metal sculpture" stands in an outdoor sculpture garden in the middle of Wisconsin.