Zujupiter's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cambridge, Massachusetts

Graves of Henry and William James

Final resting place of the author who wrote the ghost story "The Turn of the Screw," and his brother, the Harvard doctor and paranormal investigator.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Cosmic Moose and Grizzly Bear’s Ville

One man's psychedelic fence is painted with his cacophonous folk art musings on the world.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Modica Way

An alley way dedicated to graffiti and street art is a constantly changing street gallery.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Sign

Hollywood's most famous landmark, the "temporary" sign that has stood for decades longer than intended.
Boston, Massachusetts

Rainbow Swash

The world's largest piece of copyrighted artwork.
Boston, Massachusetts

Faneuil Hall

A former waterfront market is now in the center of town due to some interesting Boston engineering.
Prague, Czechia

Lennon Wall

Despite attempts by local police to discourage it, Beatles-inspired graffiti has been a means for artists to air grievances for decades.
Vienna, Austria


Macabre museum devoted to historical Viennese murders.
Salem, Massachusetts

House of the Seven Gables

The 340-year-old house that inspired the classic Nathaniel Hawthorne novel.
Salem, Massachusetts

Witch Dungeon Museum

Experience the hysteria of a 17th century witch hunt through goofy reenactments and wax dummies that should probably be burned at the stake.
Salem, Massachusetts

Statue of Elizabeth Montgomery

Statue in Salem of the woman who starred as the witch Samantha in the sitcom "Bewitched."
Derry, New Hampshire

Robert Frost Farm

Former abode of notable poet, complete with literary references and stories of ghosts.
Hudson, New Hampshire

Benson's Park

A former zoo turned public park, where visitors can hang out in the old animal cages.
London, England

Old Shoreditch Station

Once a train station along the Great Eastern Railway this vibrant coffee shop and bar is where members of London’s creative class mingle.
London, England

The Theatre

Two plaques commemorate the site of Shakespeare's first theatre.
London, England

Chelsea Physic Garden

London's old-school healing garden.
London, England

Natural History Museum of London

Eighty million natural history specimens call this gargantuan museum home.
London, England

The Great Bed of Ware

This intricately carved and hilariously huge bed was such a famous symbol both Shakespeare and Byron used it in their writing.
London, England

Peter Pan Statue

A statue marks the exact spot where The Boy Who Never Grows Up made his first literary appearance.
London, England

Leadenhall Market

This ornate Victorian marketplace was the setting for Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron in the Harry Potter films.
London, England

Platform 9 3/4

Kings Cross Station pays tribute to its role in Britain's best-selling book series.
London, England

Leighton House Museum

This artist's home turned gallery/museum preserves the creator's love of "Eastern" influences.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Greyfriars Bobby

The most loyal of little dogs, or a Victorian era publicity stunt?
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Heart of Midlothian

A sweet symbol marks the place where torturous executions were once carried out.