40 Museums Devoted Entirely to Food, From the Delicious to the Disgusting - Atlas Obscura Lists

40 Museums Devoted Entirely to Food, From the Delicious to the Disgusting

The perfect places to whet your appetite.

The significance of prayer, giving thanks, the story of the First Thanksgiving, football, parades, has waxed and waned over the centuries. Food, however, has remained a constant, and rightly so. Though food isn’t as hard for modern Americans to come by as it was for the English settlers, we’re just as thankful for a full table.

Food is also an interesting lens to examine history through. Butter, for example, was once the most luxurious of delicacies. Beer and ale were commonly imbibed in the Middle Ages because it was easier to assure their cleanliness than water. Enjoy this full menu of museums that hone in on one particular food to examine its relationship to its place of origin and all of history, along with a digestif of alcoholic museums at the very end.