Beattie Park Mound Group Historic Site
This unassuming city park is home to three different types of Native American mounds.
Beattie Park Mound Group Historic Site
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The Beattie Park mounds were built during the Late Woodland period, around 700-1100. The group of mounds originally included nine conical mounds, a linear mound, and two effigy mounds; one in the shape of a bird, the other a turtle. Three of the conical mounds, the linear mound, and the turtle effigy still remain. The others were destroyed over the years. The mounds in Beattie Park were ceremonial in nature. Beattie Park was donated by the Beattie sisters Mary and Anna to the Rockford Park District in 1921.
Know Before You Go
Located in downtown Rockford.
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December 17, 2019
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