Drangsnes Hot Tubs – Steingrímsfjörður, Iceland - Atlas Obscura

Drangsnes Hot Tubs

Steingrímsfjörður, Iceland

A trio of hidden hot tubs takes advantage of Iceland's natural geothermal vents. 


There are a number of pools across Iceland which take advantage of the natural heat issuing from the country’s geothermal vents, but the Drangsnes Hot Tubs are a partially hidden gem that offers a variety of temperatures right on the sea.

Located in the small fishing town of Drangsnes, the public tubs rest right on the shoreline if you can find them. They are actually a few feet below the level of the road that runs right next to them, and there is no direct signage. The only marker is the small white changing house located across the road from the tubs. However, with a population of fewer than 100 people, the town’s traffic does not really detract from the experience. A forward-thinking local man has created an “honor bar” where one can grab a beer and leave a suggested donation behind.

The three baths are all fed by the naturally heated spring beneath them. One of the pools is kept at a cool temperature, while one of the others is kept quite hot, and the third is simply a nice medium so visitors can get comfortable in whichever climate suits them. With the privacy afforded by the hot tubs and their prime location on the sea, the Drangsnes pools have also become a popular spot to watch the Northern Lights during the freezing winter.

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