Located on the campus of the United World College, the Dwan Light Sanctuary uses prisms instead of windows to transform the light that enters the building into a lattice of rainbows.
The peaceful room was created by Virginia Dwan as a multi-purpose space for meditation, reflection, or even religious practice. Eschewing a singular purpose that might make the sanctuary less than welcoming for some people, the space allows visitors to turn the stark white space into their own escape.
The open layout is completely unadorned save for the giant prisms built into the ceiling and apse of the building. With no other decoration to distract the eye guests can simply meditate on the rainbows that are projected on the walls and floors as natural light passes into the room. Many universities offer quiet rooms and study halls, but none may be as artful or forward-thinking as the Dwan Sanctuary.
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Know Before You Go
From Albuquerque, take I-25 north to Las Vegas. Exit at the first Las Vegas exit, #343, and turn left at the end of the ramp. Go .5 miles and take a left onto New Mexico Avenue. (You will see a Santa Fe Railroad red caboose at the intersection.) Go 1.9 miles. At the first traffic light (there will be an Allsup's convenience store on your left), turn left again onto Hot Springs Boulevard (State Road #65) and continue 4.3 miles. Turn right when you see the Montezuma Castle. The Montezuma Post Office will be on your right. Please check in at the Moore Welcome Center when you arrive on campus.
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February 19, 2014